Further Reading

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Who Really Built Stonehenge and Why? Part 1

“Circles of stones, laid down by ancient minds, matched exactly the vibrations of thought form conduits. A circle of stone is in fact a  thought frequency transmission station. It gives out signals to the universe at all times. It also receives signals at all times. Recorded in their enclosures is all the collective ancient knowledge, plus any additional knowledge they may receive from elsewhere in the universe.” – Matthew James 1995

I’ve visited many of the stone circles throughout the UK over the years. Included in my list of visited circles are Long Meg & Her Daughters (The last working Druid circle in The UK), Avebury, The Rollwright Stones, Castlerigg, Swinside and of course STONEHENGE. They are among some of my favourite, and most visited places in the UK. Being a sensitive (And also a Druid!) I have always been attuned in some way to the individuality of each stone circle, because they are all unique. I visited my first stone circle (Castlerigg in Cumbria UK) as a nine year old and instinctively entered the stone circle in a very ritualistic way, and have treated my visits to stone circles the same way ever since:

I wander around the outside of the stones slowly, walking in a clockwise direction (Positive force direction in the Northern Hemisphere), touching each stone in turn. Coming to a halt at the entry point to the circle before wandering over to the circle centre and closing my eyes. I gather my thoughts and observe the energy within the enclosure of the stones. I then wander slowly around the circle, touching each stone in turn. It is a ritual of welcome which always gives me a good impression of the stone circle.”

In this particular article, we are going to explore the world famous Stonehenge, which lies in Wiltshire, UK, approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury. It is one of the most famous sites in the world and comprises the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. Archaeologists theorise that Stonehenge was built somewhere between 3000 BC and 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 indicates that the first stones were raised around 2300 BC.

However there is another theory that the sarcen bluestones may well have been raised at the site as early as 3000 BC. Stonehenge is built from a series of massive 30 ton bluestone sarsen stones, as well as numerous smaller bluestones.

The location of the source of the bluestones had been a mystery up until 1923 when a geologist, Herbert H. Thomas, pinpointed the source of one type of the stones, known as ‘Dolerite Bluestones’, to a rocky outcrop known as Carn Meini in the Preseli Hills of western Wales. This provided weight to the theory that the Stonehenge builders transported the stones south to the Bristol Channel, then somehow floated the stones to the site by sea.

There has been huge speculation as to the purpose of Stonehenge. There has never been anything found in the form of ancient written documentation, or even oral tradition, that indicates why Stonehenge is where it is, and what it is for. There is not ONE record of the construction of this incredible feat of architecture (Yes, architecture.) recorded anywhere in English history or even in folklore. I find that rather odd! Where the mighty monolith is situated would have been farming land managed by ‘simple folk’. Surely we cannot believe that it was these ‘simple folk’ that built Stonehenge on an apparent whim?

It is estimated that so many MILLIONS of hours would have been spent constructing the stones, as well as crafting the stones. There was also the incredible feat of transporting the 30 ton blocks by river, by sea and then across the land to their final resting place. That is a seemingly impossible feat in itself. There is the perfect mathematics involved in the construction, plus the choosing and the locating of the bluestones.

Does this sound like the simple and dumb folk we are led to believe wandered England 3000 years ago? It doesn’t sound like that to me … not all. It sounds more like a building project planned by someone of high intelligence who knew exactly WHERE the stones must be built; what stones to use and why.

The stones are a mystery themselves. Why did the Stonehenge builders choose Dolerite Bluestones and how did they know where to look for them? The Preseli Hills of western Wales are the only known location of bluestone in the UK. So what was it they were seeking with regard to the function of Stonehenge? The stones being the major component of their architecture?

The Preseli Bluestone has been found to have a strong connection with the electrical impulses created by the human body; and in particular they have a strong connection with the human heart. Bluestone is said to clear the heart centre, plus strengthen the electrical workings of the heart. This is said to improve the electrical communication throughout the body, which in turn balances and strengthens the immune system. The electrical connection does not stop there, but helps us to link into the electromagnetic field of the Earth itself. So, evidentially, may have had these special qualities in mind when planning the construction of Stonehenge. This only deepens the mystery. I still can’t get my head round the fact its construction is NOT recorded anywhere. It didn’t just appear overnight!!

Stonehenge was described as England’s 2nd wonder in Historia Anglorum, written about 1130 AD. The Historia Anglorum was written by Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon who stated that “Stonehenge enters into history indisputably”. He was straightforward in his mention of it. “This second of the wonders is made of stones like doorways. No one can imagine, he says, how the stones were raised or why.” The Welsh Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote in his Historia Regum Britanniae that he is “not curious to argue and dispute” where the stones came from. He would rather lament “with much grief, that the authors of so notable a monument are buried, in oblivion”.

Stonehenge has been linked to Merlin and to the Druids, though there really is no proof of any of these tales. It is all speculation. Geoffrey of Monmouth reported that the British king Aurelius Ambrosius had been instructed by Merlin to fetch from “Mount Killaraus in Ireland, a marvellous mystic and healing structure of stones which set, up again around the dead would stand for ever”. These stones were said to have been fetched by Merlin using his magic in dismantling them and re-erecting them. It was said that within this ‘Stanheng’, this chorea gigantum or Giants’ Dance’ Aurelius was buried, as well as Uther and Constantine.”

There have been numerous suggestions as to the possible use for Stonehenge. These include a burial place for kings and knights; an observatory; a place of healing; a meeting place; an ancient calendar; a UFO landing pad; a place of worship. However, the one with the most weight according to recent research and evidence is that Stonehenge was a ‘Prehistoric Lourdes’. People went to Stonehenge to be made well. Two of Britain's leading archaeologists, both world-renowned experts on Stonehenge, Professor Timothy Darvill and Professor Geoff Wainwright, believe Stonehenge was a site of healing. Their assessment comes from a reinterpretation of the stones of the henge and the bones buried nearby.

Darvill and Wainwright believe the smaller bluestones in the centre of the circle, rather than the huge sarsen stones on the perimeter, hold the key to the purpose of Stonehenge.

To Be Continued ....