Further Reading

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Who Really Built Stonehenge and Why? Part 2

However, as I stated earlier, there is no proof to what purpose Stonehenge served. Its creation remains a mystery, as are the construction methods to move, cut and place in position the mighty stones.

The endearing, but slightly crazy, scientific theory regarding the construction method goes like this: ‘Somehow the enormous stones were first transported to the Salisbury plains. The stones must have been too heavy for simple timber rollers, so they might have been transported on sledges along greased tracks of wood, pulled by ropes made from the plant fibres of lime bark, soaked in water for weeks. Modern engineering simulations have surmised that the massive uprights must have been hauled into place then tipped, using stone counterweights, into position. In order to fix the 9 ton lintels into place, the most likely method of construction would have to have been via the use of an earth ramp piled up against the stone uprights. The lintel would then have to have been hauled by ropes to get them into position.’

It defies logic the level of understanding and technology that was required to construct the Stonehenge architecture. The lintels are all perfectly horizontal, yet the ground on which the stones are built is sloping. The Stonehenge builders will have employed the use of advanced carpentry techniques, as the stone lintels are dressed with mortises which are a perfect fit onto the tenons located at the top of each supporting sarcen stone.

The tongues, which are like toggle joints, link each lintel within the outer circle to its neighbour. Amazing construction!

I cannot accept that the construction of Stonehenge was with the basic ‘Neolithic’ tools that the scientific world would have us believe. The advanced level of construction shown in the Stonehenge architecture is on a par with architectural construction in today’s buildings. The ingenuity of the builders is very impressive. Their understanding of the mathematics and astrology linked to Stonehenge is more advanced, I would say, that what we understand today.

Was it Neolithic Man that built Stonehenge or someone else? If it WAS Neolithic Man who created Stonehenge then they were much more advanced than current science and history gives them credit for. If it wasn’t Neolithic Man who created Stonehenge, then who was it?

In my opinion, I would say that Neolithic Man was more advanced than science makes out, plus there is likely to have been some kind of ET intervention in order to create such an incredible feat of architecture. You only have to walk amongst the stones, and within the energy field of what remains of the Stonehenge complex, to experience for yourself the difference between the Stonehenge vibration and that of the ‘outside world’. It still retains its unique and magical energy.

I had the privilege to walk within Stonehenge, in the mid 1990’s, undertaking a workshop with my old friend David Icke, and it was during this workshop that I felt for myself the energy of Stonehenge. I found that the sarcen stones had a clear and distinctive vibration. There was a barely audible humming sound emanating from the stones. The energy field within Stonehenge felt very ‘expectant and responsive’ like it was anticipating a sound, a word or a chant to be activated. During the workshop we meditated, drummed and chanted. We worked with the energy field of Stonehenge, and I have to say the experience was quite breathtaking as there clearly is SOMETHING magical and healing about the Stonehenge complex.

It is not the stones themselves, but the energy field and the atmosphere created by the positioning and sizing of the stones. No doubt the Preseli Bluestones were chosen for this purpose.

My own theory, for what it’s worth, is that Stonehenge was built by the descendants of the builders of the Great Pyramids of Giza. There is a strong connection between Neolithic Britain and the Pharaohs of Egypt. Many of the latter families of Egypt are known to have fled to Britannia/Albion before, and around, the Neolithic Period of Britain. Stonehenge was built by advanced technology, probably beyond our own. The technology is likely to have employed lasers for cutting the stones, and also a gravitational or vibrational technology employed to lift the stones. Modern day science is only now touching on these technologies. So it’s perhaps a case of us rediscovering a technology we once had at our disposal? A technology taught to us by an advanced culture?

The Stonehenge complex is likely to have been a great healing centre which will have been known throughout the ancient world. The fact that the Preseli Bluestone have a strong connection with the electrical impulses created by the human body, and in particular the heart, suggests strongly the intention of the stones. I perceive Stonehenge as a generator of healing energy. Its energy field will have had a considerable effect on the physical bodies of those who entered the complex. The more people who entered the stones, the more powerful the energy field. I feel it is also a receiver and transmitter of the energy fields that are ‘summoned’ or created by those who used the Stonehenge stones.

Human history fails to record, and report, these ancient megalithic sites for one reason and one reason only – their existence has been deliberately deleted from the historic records because some agency does not wish us to know the true history of these sites. It is a sad fact, and one that means we are never likely to know what sites like Stonehenge are really for. Stonehenge has been a significant site in human history, its open and circular shape indicates it is some kind of advanced electrical circuitry linked to the earth plane, as are so many of the other stone circles. Are they directly linked in some way to the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids? Do they generate energy which are then housed in the pyramids? Are we ever likely to know? Maybe … but only when this planet has been freed from the hidden tyranny that controls the Earth.