Further Reading

Tuesday 7 October 2014

A Few Thoughts ...

7th October 2014

I would love to begin by saying how glamorous and alluring being a 'psychic' appears to be. So many folk these days are seemingly latching on to the industry ... attending 1 week courses, buying the fashion accessories, declaring themselves 'paychic mediums' complete with their team of guides, and extra sensory visions. 

On the surface it seems glamorous and wonderful. Say a few things to clients to make them feel good, take the money and move on to the next victim! That's what so many expect and the way so many treat the general public and themselves. 

However, genuinely it is NOT LIKE that. If the Psychic Medium you come in contact with describes the art as easy and wonderful ... they are generally only scratching the surface. 

The art is anything but glamorous and wonderful. It is not an easy way to a fortune. It is not something that has 9 to 5 office hours. It is in truth soul breaking; it is desperation and sorrow; it is 24/7 and it is life changing. Genuine exploration into the otherworld redefines your life ... and leads to far away from the opulence and wealth of a successful career. Nine times out of ten you do have enough finance to keep a roof over your head, but it is not a glamorous existence. 

The art defies understanding by the sceptical mind. The way of the mystic is a constant cycle of 'make or break'. Actual physical changes occur in your life that redefine your life. It is not about plastic titles, or recognition from fellow peers. It is not about being seen as a figurehead or as an excuse to pose for adoration. It is beyond all that. If the art becomes that way then it is The FALSE EGO that has a grip of the individual. The art is all about rediscovering the true self and becoming the expression of true self on the earth plane. 

It is a joy to help others. To aid them selflessly.... leaving personal opinion out of your assessments. The purpose is to unify people, not create divide and rule ... it is about spirit on earth ... about redefining the barriers between the worlds. So many come into this field to further the divide and rule by selfishly attacking peers and being the perpetrators of hatred attacks on those they are jealous or envious of. That is the False Ego talking. Its intention is to prevent spiritual growth. 

There is constant self examination ... and self determination. There is unity but generally with aspects of self. For the more you travel along the true path ... the more you realise you identify as a perfect aspect of the universal consciousness. By looking within, everything can be found there. Really the need for external guidance and approval disappears.

Matthew James