Further Reading

Wednesday 1 October 2014

A look at 1st October 2014

Well it's 1st October 2014 ... the year has really flown by. Here I am amid the confusions of a YEAR ONE VIBRATION. Options galore and a slightly disharmonious gaze into the future. It's which direction to take. There are so many to choose from.

Currently its T minus 36 minutes to the HOUR OF POWER special set up by Psychic TV. I'm one of the four 'celebrity' psychics selected for this first Hour Of Power. I'm on countdown to log in time for that ...

I've been diligently casting a critical eye on Edition 1 images of my Light Of Truth Oracle cards ,,, and have been making drastic changes to some; mild tweaks to others ... and others have been left as they were. I've still a number to complete ... works in progress as I call them. The new versions have been added to THE LIGHT OF TRUTH ORACLE CARDS page on Facebook. They have to be uploaded to the publisher's website then ordered ... so it's a month or two before I get the new edition cards to play with. I'm hoping for an appearance on Psychic TV with them late 2014 ...

I'm feeling VERY excited with the things I have in the pipeline. BIG things underwraps to prevent the shadows and the copycats from getting wind of the ideas before time. The plans will only become public knowledge once they are super sealed with the I's dotted and the T's crossed. Watch out for 2015 ... an amazing year in prospect.

I am 27 days away from the 1st anniversary of the major illness that blighted me last year ... I'm still making my recovery, but am 1000% better than I was. I'm still mindful of what still needs to improve but I'm getting there.

This weekend is a busy one in principle with studio appearances on Psychic TV tomorrow night and Friday night. I'm at the Paranormal and Spiritual Expo at Casula, NSW on Saturday. Then on Sunday I'm at the Mingara Expo on the Central Coast. I'm expecting to be pushed to the limit mentally again ... as always when I plan busy weekends. But I say 'whatever' as it is the same old, same old for me these days.

For those who regularly follow me on here, and on Facebook CHILL. I'm not overdoing things. I keep it all well under control. The Otherworld looks after me too. So I'm in safe hands!