Further Reading

Thursday 23 October 2014

Facing The Sixteen Fears

We are all cast onto this world adrift in them. We all are forced to face them, and are supposed to overcome them before we depart this planet. That is the philosophy of the Children Of The One God, an ancient spiritual group during the ages of Atlantis. They are apparently numerous and insurmountable. Too hard to face, so its much easier to adapt our lives to accepting them being part of our psyche. Our left brain stressing out on basic survival instincts because our reptilian brain faculties cannot deal with them.

Yet it is so easy in truth to find a solution. To live in this material world without them being in control. So easy to overcome them, and gain mastery over them. Because, once they are mastered it is said that we pacify our 'dweller on the threshold' and are able to become truly our spirit incarnate. Then we can begin the true reason for our incarnation on this physical existence. Until then we permit our separate selfish self to dictate our lives. Its impetus is created by its reaction to the environment around us. Which is a fear-based reaction and not a freewill action. If there is a fear-based reaction then we are not truly experiencing this planet. Fear is said to have been introduced into our physical existence around the time of the end of the Golden Age, when are genetics were tampered with and the left brain segment (Ego and logic) became the dominant brain structure. The time when our true nature became the right brain segment (Imagination) and it was relegated to the realm of fantasy and illusion.

When we look around this sorry physical world, we see that the majority of us are making fear-based reactions each and every day.We are surrounded by human beings locked in hardship, tyranny, destruction and atrocity each and every day. It is impossible for them to break out of their fear-based reactions. They are sadly part of their lives, and these poor souls are seemingly lost. However, in line with the teachings of the Children Of The One God, their lives can be changed by grasping hold of their fears, and gaining mastery over its energy. They can in theory change their life path by overcoming their fears. It sounds impossible I know. But it can be done.

Analysing all the numerous ways of being frightened ... of being ruled by fear ... there is really only one FEAR. It is an determinable energy, a state of being we all have experienced. It is a palatable energy which is brought into our reality by our left brain, by our basic primal brain functions. It is measurable ... we give off the smell of fear which predatory animals detect and react to. FEAR is a real fact of life. But it can be faced and it can be neutralised. It can be eradicated. The mind can be programmed not to be fearful. To face those unknown and real experiences that we face each and every day. There are so many but here are just a few of the most obvious ones - "the fear of dying"; "the fear of drowning"; "the fear of the dark"; "the fear of financial ruin"; "the fear of flying". The list is endless. But in the Atlantean sense there are only sixteen fears which we have in one life. These are the fears to be overcome in order to enable us to become spirit incarnate.

Is it possible to know what all the sixteen fears are? Yes it is ... through true knowledge of self, and deep contemplation we are able to compile a list of our own sixteen fears. If you come up with more than sixteen you will find that two, or more, which are the same fear blueprint. My own sixteen fears included rejection, dying, loss of sensory function (I fear of going blind), hardship, authority ... many have been overcome. My own perception of FEAR now totally different to when I was a teenager. Much spiritual work has been undertaken to do this - plus many, many years of hardship on this material plane to enable my resolve to be tested to ensure these fears have been overcome. From my own spiritual perspective, the physical plane is nothing more than an orb of thought form projection that we are projected into, so we can undergo spiritual training based on the sixteen fears.

As children, we are said to be fearless, fear rarely comes into being prior to the age of 5. In the early stages of our life we are very much spirit incarnate. Our minds are still connected to our higher selves; the veiling taking place during the ages of 5 to 9. By the time we are 11 or 12 fear-based reactions are generally the controlling force in our lives, with spiritual actions fading out of the picture.

My own philosophy sees anything to be feared as 'the path of most resistance' - the direction we are supposed to take. When we face our fears we are actually taking the direction which suits our spirit, but opposes our separate selfish self. Our left brain is programmed in such a way to make us do anything but face our fear. If you constantly live in fear, then you are not growing spiritually. You are meant to recognise the fear, realise the cause of the fear and then change the situation by facing the fear. Once you overcome the fear the situation changes, you have mastered the fear and grown spiritually. It is not easy. There are multiple fears in our lives (Sixteen blue print fears with dozens of sub-categories) ... at any one time, we can have as many as 50 or a 100 things we are fearful of. When they are broken down and categorised we can see that many of the same fears are being cloned into other situations. It makes the physical plane a difficult place to live in.

But it needn't be, There is nothing that we experience that we can't overcome. Life is much like a Rubik's Cube. There is a solution. The solution is to face each and every fear head on. It is possible to live without fear. Without that horrible primal emotion that leaves us paralysed and in torment when it strikes ... Matthew James