Further Reading

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Martian Transmissions Part 1

We are told by 'the powers that be' that our distant cousin, Mars, is a lifeless and empty planet with no atmosphere. It cannot sustain life, and is unlikely to have ever sustained life. No water, no air, no clouds, just dust, deserts and mountains. That is the official story. 

So WHY all the attention? WHY the billions and billions of dollars spending by NASA if there is nothing there? Why all the photoshop cover ups with images received from the planet's surface? Why the false imaging on Google Earth? 

WHY? The answer is simple ... there HAS been life and a civilisation on Mars. There most certainly IS life on Mars at this time. There is atmosphere and water ... take a look at the image to the left. Doesn't that look like water to you? Its an image of Mars from Google Earth. Look closely and you will see inscriptions and markings on the rocks which are not natural formations. Some form of life has etched those markings. 

We are therefore being DECEIVED by 'the powers that be'. Mars has a story to tell for sure. It is relevant and it is a real part of human history. Instinctively I know many of the blood lines that exist on earth originated on Mars. I cannot prove this, I just know from cellular memory it is the case. The Circadian Rhythms of the black races of Earth match exactly the 365 day cycle of the Earth. However, it is not the case for the Blue Eyed Blonde Races on Earth. Their Circadian Rhythms match that of ... Mars. Indeed the legendary city of Camelot means 'City Of Mars'.  There are many Egyptian associations with Mars. Also with regard to the New Zealand Maori race, it is said their name means 'From Mars'. 

Mars at one time was in a similar orbit to that of the Earth. A universal catastrophe adjusted the orbits of many of the planets ten thousand or so years ago. Venus arrived as a comet and wrought destruction in this system changing the orbits of so many of the worlds. So many of the worlds have been colonised and also destroyed by the Wars Of The Gods ... 

Mars was one such world. Devastated by nuclear blasts. Its surface ravaged by thousands of detonations. Many of the cities and infrastructures targeted and destroyed. The survivors fleeing the surface of the world, to live below ground. To survive in underground cities, very similar to those on earth which are also inhabited. Many areas of the planet's surface ravaged and highly radioactive. Its atmosphere ravaged by the nuclear explosions. 

Until fairly recently, perhaps in the last 200 human years, the surface of Mars was too toxic to be walked across. Its atmosphere too thin perhaps to sustain life. So began the terraforming of the planet's surface. The purifying of its atmosphere. The hijacking of the Earth's resources to create a new age on Mars. It is well underway. How do I know?

This is where The Martian Transmissions come in. A series of 'direct thought transmissions' which have been received over the last few years. Minds from within Mars that began communications not long after a series of remote viewings on Mars. Living and breathing consciousness that current resides on Mars. Consciousness that walk that world in physical vehicles not much different to our own. Their DNA coding and ours very similar. However theirs has been adjusted to cope with the physical conditions on Mars. Their genetic engineers active in laboratories ... able to adjust the codings relatively easily so certain members of their society can then come and exist on our world. 

The Martian Transmissions describe a world not dissimilar to ours, with a parallel society to ours. Similar beliefs and artefacts. Gods and goddesses virtually the same as ours. Because they were the SAME beings that visited them and visited us. Thus their architecture is similar to ours with pyramids, stone circles etc etc all over their world. Much of it now in ruins however. These minds that were in communication directed me to places on Mars via Google Earth where evidence of civilisations and life would be found. There are hundreds of examples of this now safely stored away on hard drives. They proved themselves and earned trust. Thus their story was told ... and the wonders & secrets of Mars became revealed ... 

Mars appears to still be at war! With a common enemy dictating a false reality on their world like ours. They have an artificial world in orbit like we have our Moon. They have an elite government controlled by the same alien force as we do. There are bases on Mars which are occupied by the common enemy. A common enemy which once shipped many blood lines to Earth as slaves to mine resources on the Earth when resources became scarce on Mars. New areas of Mars are also being mined for metals and resources that power their mighty ships and structures. Much like on Earth. The common enemy is being fought by a revolutionary army on Mars. However the army is highly outnumbered and failing in its attempts to overthrow the common enemy. We are not quite at that stage here on Earth as our populace, on the whole, isn't aware of the existence of these parasites. 

The Martian Transmissions are best described as telepathic pulses. They are a frequency and a vibration which are somewhat closely monitored by the common enemy. The remote viewings to Mars were discovered and the activity was also closely monitored. Access to the planet appears to be difficult at this time ... however, the transmissions have been recorded in areas of the DNA, as the DNA transmits and receives information, plus it has the capacity to be like a hard drive. So storage of this information is distinctly possible. Further insights from these transmissions will be revealed at a later date ... Matthew James