Further Reading

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Psychic Hard Sell Merchants

The hard sell merchants ... some of them straight out of a successful career in the marketing & selling industry ... bring with them their hard sell techniques into an industry that does not suit their persistence and impersonal 'psychic medium' approach.

Fear ... is an incredible tool to use. In the Hard Sell tactic it is a necessity for the problem/reaction/solution to take place: Hard sell = problem/reaction/solution; where fear is a real component in this process. Make the vulnerable fearful and then present yourself as the avatar or the saviour who is going to solve their problems ... who will take their vulnerability from them.

The hard sellers basically have no ethics whatsoever ... always the opportunist, they are almost always planning to take advantage from any situation. They most certainly have hidden agendas with anything and everything they are involved in. Behind professional smiles and 'designer imagery' they are prepared to even double cross established friends if it means they can climb on to the back of their friends to make a living.

IF a person wants a reading, they will go to someone when THEY choose and not because you are constantly tempting them with your 'special offers' and 'undercut price offers'. A constant reminder is the 'say it enough times and they will submit' ... plus people will go to WHO they want without being bombarded with your professional looking face and sweet words all the time.

The Charlatan may advertise themselves as a 'Psychic Teacher' .... which implies numerous years of experience and knowledge in the subject field. But even this is a sham ... even this is a plastic title. Ask yourself how can a Charlatan, who is fresh out of the Selling Industry, suddenly be the all knowing teacher?

To the unwary, these merchants are charming, enlightened and full of 'love and light' ... that's only because they are clever at creating 'the right impression'. IT IS PART OF THEIR SELLING TRAINING. It is an illusion they mesmerise the unwary with. Always look behind the image. Always ask those 'uncomfortable' questions to any psychic you suspect is plastic!!!

They know all the ways and means to make a sale ... and this is sadly what they have brought to the psychic industry. They enchant and they mesmerise people to see that they want them to see ... not what is really there. It is all hard selling techniques ... and is a hard sell approach ... it takes away freewill ... and it is the 'botox filler' approach to the field ... 'it is a feel good factor' and nothing more. Then, when the charlatan cannot get any actual information, the reading will lead into past lives ... information that cannot be substantiated but can be fabricated very easily.

The Charlatans are ruining the psychic industry with their hard sell techniques, based on the'taring you with the same brush' opinion of the general public. If a naive soul from the general public has their fingers burnt by one of these embezzlers ... then they are likely to warn people against going for psychic readings ... they will consider it a fact that all psychics are the same. They will consider that we are all Hard Sell Merchants with little or no actual ability.

That is NOT the case. There are many, many genuine psychics out there ... who never FORCE their opinion or products onto anyone. The genuine psychics firmly believe that a person should come to you by their own freewill ... the person will be drawn to you ... you don't have to impose yourself on them ...