Further Reading

Friday 28 November 2014

Monetary Obsessional Necessity Enchanting You.

We exist in a world where nothing is free except the air we breathe. Everything here has a value and a price. Land; animals; food; consumables; desires; water; medicines ... you think and name it, there is a price tag somewhere. 

It is a fact. We are brought up in a society where EVERYTHING is owned by someone. Look around you in your house, try to look at something that hasn't been purchased by money. 

Monetary Obsessional Necessity Enchanting You.   

Go outside and look around you. Aside from the clouds, and the air, what hasn't got a price tag on it ...? Even the clouds have been bought, technically, because they comprise a percentage of 'purchased' water which has been bought and paid for to flow through people's water pipes systems, before becoming part of the evaporation cycle that creates the very clouds you may be looking at. There is obviously the sun in the sky, unless of course, some alien intelligence has the land ownership!

But seriously, the land you stand and walk upon is owned by someone somewhere. The roads to drive or walk beside are owned. That is the world we live in. 

A realm of acquisition which we are born into. Or I should say, a realm of acquisition we observe in the first party awareness by way of our connection to a physical body that interacts with the realm of acquisition. The truth is, we are NOT REALLY in this world. We merely observe this world and are fooled into thinking we are in this world. It is a virtual reality program. An advanced game of Grand Theft Auto or Assassin's Creed or Far Cry! I wonder what name is on the box? 

But its true, we may think we are REALLY here. Reality seems extremely real I know ... but it is a holographic reality which is OWNED by someone. Everything within this reality belongs to someone.

Even the PHYSICAL BODIES we are connected to! That's right ... our physical bodies are owned by someone or something else! We are merely occupy the body during our time in this realm. Our human identities are also owned by someone or something else. We are effectively prisoners in body suits that belong to someone else. Our consciousness is the only FREE thing we possess in this reality, because surely even the air we breathe is under someone else's ownership ... is it not?  

This may seem totally outrageous and crazy to you ... excellent, I want you to think outside of the usual left brain box that has been created for you by the hidden controllers behind this reality. To break the system you must first realise the prison of your mind. Once you do this, you can escape it. 

You are locked in servitude and slavedom to unseen controllers. They have stacked the system that all the money you earn goes back to them in some way - bills, expenses, consumables, food, desires ... the monetary pyramid ensures those at the top leach off and vamp off everyone else in the system. Money is an energy ... and these unseen controllers use the monetary system to exist. We are slaves to these unseen entities. This realm is effectively a prison ... this is one of the first realisations required to break out of the enchantment they have over us.

We are owned and controlled by something unseen. Our physical bodies belong to them ... and it is because of this reason that they do what the hell they want on this planet. Why they treat us so cruelly. We are nothing more than sheep or cattle to them. It is time to make leap to realising what the fuck is really happening on this planet. 

Its time to wake from your deep sleep ... and become universal consciousness connected to a virtual reality ... we are not in our physical bodies ... they are merely our avatars to enable us to interact with this realm ... MATTHEW JAMES