Further Reading

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Soulmates & Twin Flames: What Are They And How Do We Find Them?

In 5D: We live in a universe that is all one. This means that the same energy, the united consciousness, is projecting itself forward as you. It is also projecting itself forward as your boyfriend or girlfriend, your dog, and your fridge. So to say that one thing or expression in the universe is the most important thing is a misunderstanding, because ultimately it is all one thing. You are everything in existence. So at the highest level of existence, everything is your soulmate. The individuality that we are experiencing is in essence an illusion created for the purpose of expansion. So when we discuss the idea of twin flames, we have to be talking from a different dimensional perspective than the ultimate universal truth, closer to a physical perspective that recognizes the individuality as a subjective truth.

When most speak about the twin flame or soulmate they are referring to the two halves of the same soul. The theory suggests that in the beginning of time, we were created as a perfect soul, which split into two halves. One of these halves contained the female energy, and the other comprised the male energy. The theory is that the two halves would be incarnated into human forms to live, experience, and expand until the day that the two experientially rich halves would meet again to ascend back to source. However, this theory is flawed in that it attributes physical characteristics to a formless soul. A soul cannot truly be “split” in two because it is not a physical clump of energy. In reality a soul is merely a stream of consciousness... read more>>>...