Further Reading

Thursday 11 December 2014

Glastonbury: The Ancient Isle Of Avalon Part 2

The calling has started again. Every once in a while I am overwhelmed with a strong urge to be in Glastonbury. To be within the shadow of Glastonbury Tor. Incessant images of The Tor have been raining down on me over the last few days. Together with the urge to write another article on Glastonbury.

The calling is a powerful thing. An unrelenting thing. It is a signal on a DNA level, a calling for a certain bloodline to receive and reply to. My presence is required in Avalon. Unfortunately I cannot be there in a physical sense at this time. However, I am undertaking a number of conscious out of body experiences. These projections are happening in parallel to my everyday on the physical plane. It is thus a part of my spirit which is making these journeys.

In these projections I clearly see The Tor. I feel the earth and I smell the air. I am back in Avalon. In what time period it is impossible to say. Except there is no tower on the summit of The Tor. There is a lake surrounding the Tor. There are some standing stones atop The Tor, and there is an opening in the side of the artificially created hill. It appears to be pyramidal in shape. There is a race of beings beneath The Tor. I clearly recall the name Glastonia. Before me is an old man in robes. He is raising a staff and pointing to the sky. We are on the left hand side of the hillside. He is chanting loudly, willing a tryst with the Avalonians. I walk towards him and he is aghast. He sees me and realises his wish has been heard.

I walk slowly and carefully, my transparent skin at risk of being damaged by the sunlight. I can hear the thoughts in his mind and I impress on him calmness and serenity. Behind him I watch a silver craft rise into the sky and quickly disappear.

I am then beckoning him into the opening on the side of the hill. I lead him down stone steps and along a corridor which had been carved out of the rock. He is not amazed in anyway. He has been under The Tor before. Ahead of me there are the usual mists and usual sensations that indicate we have passed through The Sheath and into the city. 

Later we share some food amongst a group of us. All of us are in deep telepathic conversation. There is a concern about the state of the world outside of our protected realm. They have returned and there is a threat to the ecosystem of the world ... because of their mining and their exploitation. We are concerned ...