Further Reading

Monday 29 December 2014

New Year Approaches

And so we reach the end of another 'year' here on the Manifest Plane. Time a relentless wheel that dominates and controls human beings, who are tied to the momentum of machine consciousness. So many humans fall for the myth that this is the one life they have; that they are in their physical bodies; that we are the only sentient beings anywhere. Such deception and such confusion ...

2014 was another of the separation years ... as the light and the dark begin to pull away from each other and the clear divisions are now so obvious. And so will begin the years of integration and unravelling, as the two forces begin to cancel each other out. Those will be the truly magnificent years when the manifestation plane we exist on begins to react to the merging of the opposing forces that are the very foundations of the higher thought forms that keep the physical world in existence. I do not know how this is going to pan out ... I just know it will begin to happen. Indeed it is already happening. 

We are so anchored to this level of the manifest plane with our enforced perceptions and our reactions to this imprisonment. We are our own gaolers ... governed by our thoughts. Our thoughts root us in this reality and are essentially the knots which are 'karma' ties. Our karma is however the resultant ripples and waves in the manifest plane created by the first steps taken by the first explorers of this manifest plane. We, their children, are merely floundering in the effects of that original causal wave, and the subsequent thought form experiments. These anchors are being loosened and we are ascending ... though we don't see it around us. The software program has been designed to hide the changes taking place .. however our thoughts and our feelings are very much aware.

I hope 2015 is going to be a better year for all of us. But sadly it won't be ... atrocities will continue as the human psyche is subjected to constant bombardment by the vices of the evil cabal that rule this realm. They know of the truth I speak ... and are eager to keep it under wraps for as long as they can.

I'm not going to make any predictions for 2015 here. Instead I'm going to do the 'human' thing and be mindful of the fact it's New Years Day in 48 hours time ... not a lot is gong to be changed by then. For me I will get to see the New Year in properly this year. Last year was hospitalisation and I don't want to dwell on that too much. I will get to see some of the awesome fireworks finally. I intend to enjoy the experience as a human being ... my physical form being the avatar through which my spirit explores the manifest plane ... Matthew James