Further Reading

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Warning - Psychic Scam Artist At Work!

This article is a continuation of the 'Hard Sell In The Psychic Industry' series of articles which were featured on A Light In The Darkness over the last two years ...

This is where we really go down the rabbit hole and find something very gruesome, extremely fraudulent and downright deceptive ...

It's another Facebook con trick ... and a very effective one if you are easily lead and extremely gullible. It goes like this ...

You set yourself up as a Psychic Medium and begin advertising you do readings on Facebook. Behind the scenes, and out of sight of your growing list of likers, you begin creating false Facebook accounts. Not one or ten ... we are talking dozens, maybe even hundreds. Yes, seriously!

For this scam to work the new pages have to appear very real and plausible. Then you make a comment about your readings and your experiences. One by one, you then post glowing testimonials about your readings ... visually it looks wonderful and a fantastic marketing tool. The gullible general public think 'wow, this lady sounds lovely and must be good, look at all those fantastic testimonials. they must be good' ... all those hours spent making those false accounts, wantonly pinching e-mail addresses from your marketing database paid off.

You have genuine people asking for readings. Here's the hustle ... you're getting all the readings from likes on Facebook which are friends you've pinched from other psychics, because you'd also set up a Marketing page on Facebook; where all the known psychics were enticed into advertising. By getting their friends to have a reading from you - meant your rivals weren't getting them! All the traffic comes to you ... the intention in the first place.

There is one particular 'psychic' who is known to have hundreds of false accounts, and appears to be using the false accounts to create wonderful testimonials in the way described above ...

Part of the scam is also 'discredit the reputation of your rivals' ... send them nasty PM's and e-mails so they react ... you then go onto your page complaining you are being bullied by the known psychics. A little character assassination here and there ... put it in the mix so people feel sorry for you and are much easier to get to have their reading with you.

Another technique is to bombard the facebook pages of the better known psychics with nasty PM's from your fake accounts ... a cyber bullying campaign to demeanor and undermine the reputation of the other psychics. This IS happening ...

However this is still only at the mouth of the rabbit hole ... we are about to go even deeper. Watch out for the next article in the series ...