Further Reading

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Image of the Day

THE LIGHT OF TRUTH ORACLE. Devised & Created by Matthew James

Study shows that focusing the brain on exercising can trick muscles into getting stronger

(S.O.T.T) New research suggests muscles respond to simple thoughts of exercise; simply imagining exercise can trick the muscles into delaying atrophy and even getting stronger. It's further proof that brain and body, which evolved together, are more intertwined than separate...read more>>>...

Spiritualising the Planet

DAILY OM: We are one with the cosmos whether we realize it or not. Realizing it, though, quickens our spiritual energy and allows us access to higher realms. In those higher realms lies the awareness that we are more than just finite physical beings living one life in one place at one point in time. Connecting with this awareness is to awaken to the truth and take a step forward, and upward, on our soul’s journey. This upward movement is known as ascension because the more we remember who we are and embody that truth, the higher our energy vibrates; we ascend up the scale from the gross physical plane to the subtle spiritual plane. As we ascend, we gain consciousness of the more subtle aspects of our being, with the ultimate outcome being a complete identification with the light body, an experience of unification with the cosmos.

As you look around you, you will see that many people are not even interested in these ideas. Others are open and paying attention. Still others have devoted their lives to deepening their understanding of the truth...read more>>>...
May I take this opportunity to personally thank EVERYONE who has supported me and Chris over the last 18 months in particular, it's not been an easy time for us with my illness and subsequent recovery. Everyone who offered their help and sent their healing - THANK YOU

It's been a funny old year has 2014. Highs and lows. Good times and bad times. But the company of true friends and genuine heartfelt support has been the tonic which has got each and every one of us through this year ... and will continue to do so ...

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE ... and here's to a PROSPEROUS 2015 .... Matthew James.

Monday 29 December 2014

New Year Approaches

And so we reach the end of another 'year' here on the Manifest Plane. Time a relentless wheel that dominates and controls human beings, who are tied to the momentum of machine consciousness. So many humans fall for the myth that this is the one life they have; that they are in their physical bodies; that we are the only sentient beings anywhere. Such deception and such confusion ...

2014 was another of the separation years ... as the light and the dark begin to pull away from each other and the clear divisions are now so obvious. And so will begin the years of integration and unravelling, as the two forces begin to cancel each other out. Those will be the truly magnificent years when the manifestation plane we exist on begins to react to the merging of the opposing forces that are the very foundations of the higher thought forms that keep the physical world in existence. I do not know how this is going to pan out ... I just know it will begin to happen. Indeed it is already happening. 

We are so anchored to this level of the manifest plane with our enforced perceptions and our reactions to this imprisonment. We are our own gaolers ... governed by our thoughts. Our thoughts root us in this reality and are essentially the knots which are 'karma' ties. Our karma is however the resultant ripples and waves in the manifest plane created by the first steps taken by the first explorers of this manifest plane. We, their children, are merely floundering in the effects of that original causal wave, and the subsequent thought form experiments. These anchors are being loosened and we are ascending ... though we don't see it around us. The software program has been designed to hide the changes taking place .. however our thoughts and our feelings are very much aware.

I hope 2015 is going to be a better year for all of us. But sadly it won't be ... atrocities will continue as the human psyche is subjected to constant bombardment by the vices of the evil cabal that rule this realm. They know of the truth I speak ... and are eager to keep it under wraps for as long as they can.

I'm not going to make any predictions for 2015 here. Instead I'm going to do the 'human' thing and be mindful of the fact it's New Years Day in 48 hours time ... not a lot is gong to be changed by then. For me I will get to see the New Year in properly this year. Last year was hospitalisation and I don't want to dwell on that too much. I will get to see some of the awesome fireworks finally. I intend to enjoy the experience as a human being ... my physical form being the avatar through which my spirit explores the manifest plane ... Matthew James

Image of The Day

All Is Not What It Seems' by Matthew James. Copyright Matthew James

Introducing MJM FM ...

Welcome to Matthew James Medium (MJM) FM on Mixlr ... to access any of the broadcasts, at any time, or listen to live broadcasts ... visit MJM FM here ...

Tarot History

(Salem Tarot) The designs of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana can be traced back as far as 1440, when the first known deck appeared in Italy. The 3 decks called the "Visconti Trumps" are generally regarded as the "forefathers" of the decks that are widely available today. It is believed that they were originally created as a game for Nobles. It is not until centuries later that the cards reemerged, this time as a tool of divination. In the latter half of the 15th century, the cardmakers in Marseilles, France began to standardize the Trumps. Before this organized production, those who played the Trumps could dictate which they wanted to include, and which they wanted substituted or eliminated. Certain cards; Death, the Devil, and the Tower in particular; were considered offensive by the more conservative Nobles. These images caused religious leaders to attempt to ban the Trumps.

The first detailed reference to the Trumps of the Tarot is in the form of a sermon. This sermon, given by a Franciscan friar in Italy sometime between 1450 and 1470, contends that the Trumps were invented and named by the Devil. It condemns the use of the cards, and generally credits them with the triumph of the Devil. According to the friar, the Devil wins through the loss of the souls of those who play what was then, quite probably, nothing more than a simple game.

The rebirth of the Tarot, and its beginnings a means of divination, are attributed to Antoine Court de Gébelin in 1781.He believed it was Egyptian in origin, and that it contained mystical knowledge that had been purposefully encoded in the symbolism of the Trumps. Specifically, he theorized that the cards were the key to lost Egyptian magical wisdom written by Thoth, the Egyptian God of inspired written knowledge. The Trumps themselves began to noticeably evolve from this point forward. Changes were thought to have been introduced by the different secret societies who produced the decks...read more>>>...

Saturday 27 December 2014

Eagle Totem Animal

Eagle Medicine manifesting as an Eagle Totem Animal indicates that it is a time to reconnect with your spiritual path. You need to listen to your own spirit, via its inner voice, and heed the spiritual directives you will hear. You must also follow what your heart is saying, and to permit both insights to lead your way. Clearly a new life path is unfolding for you.

With Eagle Medicine you must be a symbol of the air, but you must have strong legs to walk on the earth. A strong desire to be near water may well be a characteristic of your life path now, or in the near future. Your inner directives must to followed in order to attain a balance in all dimensions, and then to ultimately achieve inner-growth. As you open up to full spiritual awareness, you must remain fully grounded in this reality, using regular trips to the sea, a river, or a lake to purify yourself, and purge yourself of any spiritual imbalances - Matthew James 

Friday 26 December 2014

Image of the Day


Empowered Forgiveness

Daily OM: In life there will always be times when we are affected by the actions of another person. When this happens, we often receive an apology. More often than not we say, “It’s alright,” or “ It’s okay,” and by saying this we are allowing, accepting, and giving permission for the behavior to happen again. When we say “thank you,” or “I accept your apology,” we are forced to sit in our feelings rather than ignore them. There are many of us who feel that it is easier to brush off how we really feel than to express our discomfort with something that has happened to us. While this may initially seem like the best thing to do, what it really does is put us into an unending pattern of behavior; since we are not honest with another person, we continue the cycle of letting them overstep our emotional limits time and time again. By doing this we place ourselves in the position of victim. We can put an end to this karmic chain by first acknowledging to the other person that we accept their request for forgiveness; often a simple “thank you” is enough...read more>>>...

Quote for the Day

“The heart is the inner face of your life. The human journey strives to make this inner face beautiful. It is here that love gathers within you. Love is absolutely vital for a human life. For love alone can awaken what is divine within you. In love, you grow and come home to your self. When you learn to love and let yourself be loved, you come home to the hearth of your own spirit. You are warm and sheltered.” ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Thursday 25 December 2014

What Lies Beyond?

Long term regular visitors to A Light In The Darkness will have noted a major decline in the number of posts throughout 2014. Yes, there has been an apparent lack of attention focused on A Light In The Darkness. It is going to be rectified in 2015. As you will have been aware the last 15 months have been a bit of an eye opener for me. A serious illness was confirmed in Oct 2013 with my 12 weeks in hospital. As an empath I HAD been aware of my condition for as long as 2 years prior to the major setback mid October 2013. It wasn't that much of a surprise. But it was still a shock. I'd seen the warning signs, heard my heart voice warn me. Knew the symptoms were indicators of a serious condition - but did it stop me? NO it didn't. Foolishly I kept up the ridiculous pace and fell off the end of the conveyor belt so to speak.

I spent 9 of the 12 weeks in hospital in a 'between worlds state'. I was in this vibration and the next. I had inhabitants of the other world not knowing if I was returning to the otherworlds, plus I had specialists here on Earth not knowing either. During this time I made some amazing soul retrievals. Amazing insights into the otherworld and a realisation we have a Memory Body ... a perfect replica of this body which we wander into the otherworld. An avatar on a higher vibration that this one with which to explore what we call the spirit world. I know there are higher levels too. Higher vibrations way beyond anything that we can comprehend. I will not call them 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th dimensions. Because they are not. That is our manifest mind trying to comprehend the frequencies that reach out towards the unmanifest vibrations. The spirit worlds are NOT the be all and end all. They are pretty much a higher vibration to this realm. The spirit world is pretty much a higher frequency on which the earth plane was once manifest. The spirit world realms were once the plane of manifestation we know as the earth plane and the solar system. Beyond the spirit world is a previous frequency and so on. We have been downgraded with our frequencies to the slowest frequency ... and the awakening is pretty much our frequency now being lifted and the manifest plane vibration being lifted. 

The previous words are the easiest way to describe something I have downloaded into this level of awareness from something much higher. It is a description of what I saw and experienced. An amazing experience I am in truth so grateful for. All planned and all as it is meant to be. 

Back now to where I was, before I digressed. 2015 is going to be a return to a better frequency of posts. Back to how it once was. With regular insights and Daily Merlin readings. More informative posts and videos on the Occult. I have missed being an avid blogger. It's been a crazy year. It's been a busy year. It's been a year where I've often found it impossible to blog. Plus I've needed a rest too.

So, here's to 2015 and what lies beyond. The 'download' from my 9 weeks between the worlds is becoming more and more understandable. And it thus my intention to paint a more accurate insight into the otherworlds. Into where we go when we pass from this realm. More insights on what lies beyond based on personal experiences. Plus of course there will be regular codex transmissions from myself. So please bear with me. Thanks for your understanding and participation in this journey ... Matthew James 

Parts Of The One

Daily OM: When we see ants and bees out in the world, we often see just one, but this belies the reality of their situation. More than any other species, ants and bees function as parts of a whole. They cannot and do not survive as individuals; they survive as members of a group, and the group’s survival is the implicit goal of each individual’s life. There is no concept of life outside the group, so even to use the word individual is somewhat misleading. Often, humans, on the other hand, strongly value individuality and often negatively associate ants and bees with a lack of independence. And yet, if we look closer at these amazing creatures, we can learn valuable lessons about how much we can achieve when we band together with others to work for a higher purpose...read more>>>...

Daath, the Hidden Sephirah and The Next Level of Awareness - The Stellar Ego

Daath means Knowledge, in the first place knowledge of the Divine and the divine expression in the universe. Daath is also the total of knowledge gained by an individual throughout his life or lifetimes, and especially the knowledge about what (his) life is all about.

Daath is also the key to the manifestation of all things. It is a Sephirah of becoming, as after Daath creation began to take place as the unmanifest travelled downwards further into the manifestation plane.

Daath is said to be the child of Binah and Chohmah, the Mother and the Father. That is, the Kether, Chokmah & Binah triad with Daath atop of the pyramid, above the flat plane of the Tree. Daath is the doorway to the void or the Abyss. The place where all things manifest must be faced in order to be blended or harmonised. Once harmonised the consciousness can make its journey back into the unmanifest state of being.

Ascending the Tree of Life on the middle pillar, passing Tiphareth, we must leave the ego far behind to cross the Abyss. Thus Daath is seen as entering the mysterious blackness. The void or emptiness cannot be seen as a fearsome place, but as the underlying nature of all things and beings, and only by passing through the Abyss can we remember our eternal consciousness. Our unmanifest state of being. 

It is in these moments as the thoughts of manifestation contemplate unmanifest existence, that the Sepiroth of the Kabbalah appear more like universes and levels of vibration. The notion that each Sepiroth represent the planets within our solar system appear less likely, for awareness grows from local planetary awareness to one of the universe as a whole. In order to return to the unmanifest existence we crave, our ego and its manifest awareness must fall by the wayside so our stellar ego comes into being. This too must fade into nothingness to realise the next level of the Kabbalah and that is perhaps our unmanifest awareness itself. 

As we attain these levels of consciousness we become more and more reliant on the universal seed groups and the stellar soul groups. The numbers of individuals in this section of the grand matrix decrease alarmingly which does support the idea of the manifest awareness being like a globule of mercurial mass that has been separated into billions of pieces. The electricity of the universe is required to connect these globules back together. In this process our soul groups reconnect  - Matthew James 

Seasons Greetings!

Season's greetings to each and everyone of you who regularly read and support A Light In The Darkness. Here's to 2015 proving to be a fortuitous year for all of us. 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

The First Impulse Part 2

An attempt to connect with those of the first impulse, reveals an impossible sense of awareness. We are at the lowest state of being within this manifest plane. They are of the highest state of being, at the very epoch of awareness. There on the threshold to the universal consciousness. Their descent into the manifest plane, and the subsequent fall through the frequencies, is still taking place. It is an omnipresent truth and the paradigm which condemns us all to the laws of karma. Or so it seems. Those first explorers exist BEYOND what we comprehend the spirit world. They exist in a realm of formlessness evolving into manifested being. Their minds and their forms are alien to this lowly awareness. Yet our awareness is still the same, for it exists at once with their highest form. For we are connected still ...

Somehow our awareness has become entangled like the balls of wool with no sense of beginning or ending. Trapped in the manifest world, we The Children Of The First Incarnates, are seemingly in a hopeless state of being. Unaware seemingly of the state of the universe. Forced to believe it is a solid realm with its complicated science and its endless rules. BUT IT IS PURE ILLUSION. A composite of thought forms. Shells of thinking that entrap us in perceptive rules.

Beyond our minds the universal consciousness floats free. We are separate to the physical forms we seemingly are inside. No we are outside ... we are not our minds or our brains or our bodies. That is merely our avatar in this realm. We exist somewhere else. Draw your awareness to the seat of your consciousness to see. To realise the truth. For we are but the thought form expressions of the original explorer. The LONE adventurer. We are all facets of one globule of consciousness. Draw back to the seat of conscious being and the manifest plane fades into nothing - Matthew James

Image of the Day

The Henge, Bywong, NSW, Australia

A Word on The Blank Rune

You may have picked up a book about runes or purchased a rune set that includes a "blank rune", "Odin Rune" or "Wyrd Rune". This is a very strong clue that author is not an authority on runes.

There is no historical evidence that runemasters of old ever used a blank rune. It's self-evident because a rune is a symbol, not the token that carries it. Have you ever seen a blank symbol? Of course not, that's an oxymoron. In runic writing, a space, a single dot (.) or two dots (:) may break the symbols or words. Sometimes no break was used and the rune symbols all run together. Runic writing can run from left to right, or from right to left; some times even from top to bottom or the opposite. It makes interpretation of runic writing difficult, especially since runic symbols and the languages changed over the years. Even the futharks changed over time. This is why ancient runic inscriptions are often often obscure or may be interpreted several ways.

Regardless of the language used, or the futhark used, or the style of writing used, no one ever used a "blank" rune.(Sunnyway)

The Ancestors

Ancestral Wisdom: Ancestors are benevolent beings who love us. You are their legacy and they want the best for their progeny. Their own evolution in the Other World depends upon the completion of unfinished business or making amends for unkind acts or deeds that they may have committed during their lifetime. Among your ancestors there is usually one or two chosen to look after your movements and then report back to the elders. Ancestors who have agreed to work with us may be grandparents or other deceased relatives, including ancient ancestors. This is your closest guardian who gives you warnings. Intuition, bodily sensations, a desire for certain foods, or resistance to certain invitations are some of the various ways that your ancestors may communicate with you. According to the African perspective, the "ancestors" include your ancestral lineage and other compassionate helping spirits that protect and guide each of us. This can include the beings that we call Ascended Masters, the angelic realm, and the Star Nations. However your often-forgotten biological ancestors have great interest in working with you because the evolution of their lineage depends upon healing old wounds and inherited limiting beliefs.tive, the "ancestors" include your ancestral lineage and other compassionate helping spirits that protect and guide each of us. This can include the beings that we call Ascended Masters, the angelic realm, and the Star Nations. However your often-forgotten biological ancestors have great interest in working with you because the evolution of their lineage depends upon healing old wounds and inherited limiting beliefs...read more>>>..

Ethics and Integrity

As a shamanic practitioner, I promise to the best of my ability,

1) to work in sacred alliance with the Spirits.
2) to recognize the wholeness inherent in each person, group or circumstance that comes for healing.
3) to honour whatever form pain is presented.
4) to be mindful of speech, thought, and action and their impact on building relationships.
5) to be respectful of clients and colleagues, even in differences.
6) to work with compassion and non-judgment.
7) to set personal interests or concerns aside so that efforts are focused on my client’s wellbeing.
8) to strive to the best of my ability, to do no harm.
9) to never engage in sexual or business misconduct and abuse client trust.
10) to maintain clients' right to privacy and confidentiality.
11) to be honest with clients and other practitioners and truthful in how one presents him or herself personally, in public relations and in advertising.
12) to offer fair and appropriate fees.
13) to keep my own life and personhood in balance to the best of my ability and seek assistance when needed.
14) to consult with appropriate professionals and peers when I have questions about care, ethics or technique.

Shamanic Best Practices: Ethics and Integrity

What is shamanic integrity? What is ethical in shamanic practice? These are matters about which I hope practitioners might eventually come to some agreement. Shamanic practice involves situations where people are in need. Naturally, these are times when they are also vulnerable. It is simply a factor when working in shamanic practice - as it is in other areas of human caregiving - that challenging ethical situations eventually arise. In order to help deal with this, professions such as counseling, psychology, medicine, social services and nursing are some of the many that have developed codes of ethics and integrity to help solidify their field's best practices. With the last few decade's resurgence of shamanic interest, some very thoughtful and experienced shamanic practitioners have started facing the importance of ethics and integrity with respect to their field as well ... read more>>>...

Finding Answers Within

Daily Om: Many of us seek the answers to life’s questions by looking outside of ourselves and trying to glean advice from the people around us. But as each of us is unique, with our own personal histories, our own sense of right and wrong, and our own way of experiencing the world that defines our realities, looking to others for our answers is only partially helpful. The answers to our personal questions can be most often found by looking within. When you realize that you always have access to the part of you that always knows what you need and is meant to act as your inner compass, you can stop searching outside of yourself. If you can learn to hear, trust, and embrace the wisdom that lives within you, you will be able to confidently navigate your life. Trusting your inner wisdom may be awkward at first, particularly if you grew up around people who taught you to look to others for answers. We each have exclusive access to our inner knowing. All we have to do is remember how to listen. Remember to be patient as you relearn how to hear, receive, and follow your own guidance..read more>>>...

Tuesday 23 December 2014

The First Impulse

It's hard to imagine what the first explorers of The Manifest Plane experienced. That first impulse was so long ago. Those brave sparks of the universal consciousness that discovered the physical universe at the time of the prime emanation.

There 'form' would have been so unlike ours, they would appear as alien to us. Totally naive of the rules of the physical world, their awareness would have created the first thoughts, thus releasing the prime karma that we are all now trying to rectify through our endless incarnations. Those brave explorers would not have known that their entry into the physical realm would set off such a wave of manifestations.

Manifestations which would capture them in a realm of opposing reactions, a realm of illusion in which entrapment was a certainty for those hapless souls.. Due to the naivety of those first "incarnates" into this realm, chaos became an eventuality as all the ripples caused by their exploration through this realm gained momentum. Where we exist and how exist in this physical realm is the resultant effect of this primal cause.

As these original incarnates became further and further trapped by the ensuing laws of the physical realm, so the more this realm came into reality. The original incarnates were curious and began creating everything they could think. This realm is the manifestation plane after all. The realm of thought forms. Thus all hope of escape was lost as their awareness became trapped in this reality, and all memory of the first impulse became forgotten,.

The Manifest Plane continued to expand and modify, continually adapting itself to the endless thought manifestations created by the first incarnates. And here we are as the multiple children of those first incarnates. Beings with a binary awareness. One awareness being that of the manifest plane, the false identity or the persona. The other awareness that of the universal consciousness. Our true identity, for we are not separated from the realm beyond the first impulse. Despite all the chaos created as a result of the karmic wave, the doorway to oneness lies open.

The manifest plane exists only because of all the myriad of contrasts and opposites created by the formation of the first impulse. There will be a moment when those contrasts and opposites will reach their maximum and then after that moment those opposing energies will begin to blend. Once this occurs, the realm of the manifest will unravel and come to an end. This harmonising effect will return all thoughts to those original incarnates. Once done they remember the first impulse and they will leave behind this realm. It is said then that the manifest plane will be no more.

Those forces that oppose the remembering of the first impulse choose to enhance the continuation of the separations in the current version of the manifest plane. They are determined to create a complete separation so all connection with true selves are lost. So in this version we are the false persona only. These forces are born of the manifest. It is said they are born therefore with no soul. These forces are thus fearful of the unravelling of the manifest plane. This is why they tour the many worlds of the manifest plane creating chaos and turmoil. With chaos alive in the manifest plane, they have existence. We call these forces those of the darkness. Be warned these soulless beings exist. They have no regard for life and have no concept of conscience or feeling. These forces must first be assimilated in order for the unravelling to begin - Matthew James

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

Waking Times: As we approach the end of another year let’s remember that humanity is now subjected to yet another full year of spraying with metal particles. Not just humanity but all the poor creatures on earth are being sprayed; every plant and every tree, the bees and birds, the soil and all the little creatures that live in it, even the fish and inhabitants of the sea are suffering as aluminum, sulfur, barium and other toxic metals pile on everywhere altering the pH of the soil, contaminating the water and attacking the very essence of life on earth.

Yes, chemtrails spraying is this big a deal and as another year goes by the globalists and their military industrial complex marches forward with their insanity to control the weather, deliberately engineering a much cooler planet by literally blocking our sunlight and dumping enough toxic metals all over the planet to explain the destruction and slow death of many crops (i.e. food supply), all to the benefit of companies like Monsanto and the U.S. government.

So, as we wrap another year, let us refresh our memory and lay out 15 points about chemtrails and chembomb spraying that everyone should be mindful of. Points that can be used as a weapon to silence online “contrails” trolls whose only mission is to keep the blind sheep asleep and in doubt about the otherwise plain-to-see in-your-face evidence of the chemtrails/chembomb geoengineering programs which are ongoing. Let’s remind our uneducated friends and online trolls that...read more>>>...

Protect Yourself from Control Dramas

Daily Om: A control drama, as coined by James Redfield in his book, “The Celestine Prophecy,” is played by anyone who is feeling low on power or energy, to manipulate and steal the energy of another. Control dramas are unconscious strategies all people use to gain power or energy from another person and to essentially, “get their way with others.” We get our way with others by making them pay attention to us and then elicit a certain reaction from them to make ourselves feel fulfilled. The positive feelings we gain are won at the expense of the other person and this often causes imbalance and drama in our interpersonal relationships.

Most of us have a dominant control drama in which we engage in automatically, without even realizing what we are doing and to what extent and expense. Your need to defend and engage in defensive responses with someone means you are caught in a control drama and you will thus, “react.” When you start to become aware of your dominant control drama and can recognize it in action, you can start to hone it and make better choices in your responses to others. Likewise, once you understand how others use control dramas to make you react, you can refrain from engaging in them and move on to more healthy resolution “responses.” ...read more>>>...

Image of the Day

Stonehenge by Matthew James 1996

Monday 22 December 2014

Things that Annoy Us

Daily Om: There are many stories of spiritual masters embracing the presence of an annoying student in their community. There is even one story that documents a teacher paying an irritating person to live among his students. From an everyday perspective, this is difficult to comprehend. We generally work hard to avoid people and things that we find annoying so they don’t bother us. From a deeper spiritual perspective, however, irritation can be an important teacher and indicator that we are making progress on our path. Being able to remain centered and awake even when we feel uncomfortable is much more impressive than doing so in an environment where everything is to our liking. No matter how good we are at controlling our circumstances, there will always be factors and people that we cannot control. How we respond to these experiences to a great degree determines the quality of our lives. The goal of spiritual development is not to learn to control our environment—which is more of an ego-driven desire...read more>>>...

Sunday 21 December 2014

Are You a Highly Sensitive Person? What You Need to Know About the Science of This Personality Type

Alternet: People in this group look the same as everyone else, but they don’t respond to the world the same. The way they think, work, feel, and even love is distinctive. Tendencies like acute awareness of emotions, heightened response to loud noises and other stimuli, and the deep processing of information are all things that set HSPs apart..read more>>>...

Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations

Waking Times: There is nothing you cannot be, because you are everything and from everything. You are part of all that is. You have devised a veil which keeps you from remembering our true history. It keeps you from remembering your true origin of who you are and where you came from. The true power of humanity is so great that it was necessary to create this reality full of limitations and duality. Otherwise, it would not be a game at all. We would all realize our true power and the game would be over. So why do we persist with this illusion? To experience. To have a human experience we must attach to at least one emotion here on Earth. It could be love, fear, anger, greed, lust and many others. It could be one emotion or all of the above. But without attaching to at least one emotional base, we could not stay here on Earth. We would realize our true power and the game would be over. So we must experience limitation the its fullest to remind us that we are human...read more>>>...

Saturday 20 December 2014

Image of the Day

Swinside Circle by Matthew James Copyright 1997

Operation Divide And Rule

It is seemingly silly season at the moment. Something in the air, or in the vibrational frequency that is turning mind against mind. Viewpoints and perceptions expressed by freewill are being severely challenged by other aspects of freewill. It is a frenzied maelstrom that has seemingly come out of nowhere. A sudden flash flood of frenzied madness. Evidence of these thought crimes are appearing all over social media sites. 

The question is ... what has caused this division and confusion? The rats in the laboratory maze have been hot wired and the experimental purpose seems to be 'lets see how they cope with electrical impulses of madness'. It is almost like the human condition has been blighted with insanity. Seriously. It is bedlam down here. There is something to be said about mind control via WiFi signals and other frequencies that are out there. All focused on the human thought patterns. There seems to be 'operation divide and rule' ... a ways and means of separation for the human psyche at this time.

Most of it is anger based. Most of it directed at the separate selfish ego. Most of it working on innermost fears, encouraging the separate egos to speak out loudly when their weaknesses and inadequacies are being exposed. It is actually a good thing in a way, as each of the facets of freewill are shown how far along the spiritual road they have travelled. It is a painful process is self realisation. Those who are most spiritually mature will dust themselves off and learn from the experience. They who are shouting the loudest are aware of the significance of the challenge. For it is a challenge. Our minds are being bombarded with mental imagery 24/7, more so now with the appearance of wireless WiFi etc. Our consciousness can easily be hijacked by these frequencies that lie close to the human thought processes.

Many of us are being deceived by thought processes that are not actually our own. It is essential to understand how to differentiate between the two ... for so many are being systematically fooled by ‘higher forces’ making connection with them, claiming to be inspirational supernatural beings. When in truth they are not what they say they are. The human separate ego is being fooled with something it craves – the chance to lead the human psyche away from true spirituality! The ego doesn’t want to evolve. It likes to ravish in self importance not self growth. Countless souls are being deceived but are NOT AWARE. They fight and they argue in defence of these forces without truly investigating what they are. But what are these mind controlling signals? And where are they coming from? Are they the cause of the current human disease? For it is a disease … a very evident mental disease. A blight afflicting the insecure human ego.

Both sides of this current mental battle really need to stop and think. To become aware of what is occurring. Some unseen agency appears to be pulling strings at this time, creating a very obvious divide and rule. Tweak the ego of one of the laboratory rats and see how it goes round the corridors of the maze biting the other rats. It’s as crazy as that! It’s clearly a game of divide and rule set up …human beings be aware, there is something out there systematically attacking ... until this phenomenon is recognised it is only going to get worse!  

Quote for the Day

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”
― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Unblocking the Ally

Daily OM: Sometimes when we feel anger, it is coming from a deep place that demands acknowledgment and expression. At these times, it is important that we find healthy ways to honor our anger, remembering how dangerous it is to repress it. However, anger can also become a habit, our go-to emotion whenever things go wrong. Often this is because, for whatever reason, we feel more comfortable expressing anger than we do other emotions, like sadness. It can also be that getting angry gives us the impression that we’ve done something about our problem. In these cases, our habitual anger is inhibiting both our ability to express our other emotions and to take action in our lives...read more>>>...

Friday 19 December 2014

Image of the Day

Watendlath Cumbria, Copyright Matthew James

The Ancient Practice of Tengriism, Shamanism and Ancient Worship of the Sky Gods

Ancient Origins: Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky...read more>>>...
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpufss
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf
In ancient times, people in Central Asia practiced a religion known as Tengriism, which focused on living in harmony with the natural universe. While this religion was founded and most widely practiced during ancient times, there are groups that still practice Tengriism to this day.
Tengriism (sometimes called Tengrism, Tengerism, Tengrianism, or Tengrianizm) is a religion that revolves around the sun deity Tengri, and focuses on balance with nature. The actual founding date of Tengriism has not been confirmed, but it is believed to have begun sometime around the Bronze Age, which lasted from 3,300 B.C. through 1,200 B.C. It is considered to be one of the oldest religions, and incorporates characteristics of shamanism, animism, totemism, both polytheism and monotheism, and ancestor worship. Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky.
- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387#sthash.ozPiFafE.dpuf

Messengers of Direction

Daily OM: Animals share our planet with us, but experience it differently—each has its own abilities and gifts that allow them to interact successfully with the natural world. Since we are merely one manifestation of the universe’s energy in action, when we feel the need for direction we can turn to animals in nature for guidance. Animals can show us different ways to approach and deal with our challenges.

As we hold a question in mind, we can begin to pay attention to the animal activity around us. Staring out a window we may notice a bird soaring high in the sky, showing us how to look at our situation from a greater distance. If we don’t get an immediate answer, we can remember that the universe has its own perfect timing that doesn’t heed the ticking of the clock. Instead, we can release our question into the universe’s care, and then trust that an animal messenger will carry inspiration our way...read more>>>...

Name And Shame

It's silly season ... a fully qualified and professional psychologist has sent me this wonderful Private Message ... questioning my professionalism. A classic piece of defamation as I have the certificate to prove my qualification and also a perfect example of cyber bullying. All over the fact I agreed with someone's personal opinion on Facebook

Thursday 18 December 2014

Image of the Day

Avebury by Matthew James

Video of U.S. fighter jets 'engaging unknown aircraft' over Phoenix in 1997

The video obtained by investigate journalist David Collins shows military aircraft in the skies above Arizona on the night of one of the world's most famous UFO sightings in March 1997

This incredible leaked classified video shows fighter jets "engaging unknown aircraft" in the skies above the southern US on the night of one of the world's most famous UFO sightings. The 14-second clip, posted on YouTube, shows American military aircraft on patrol during the Phoenix Lights sighting of March 13, 1997 when a series of lights were spotted above Arizona's state capital. The military footage was obtained exclusively by US investigative journalist David Collins, of Phoenix-based KWBV Investigations, who later alerted Mirror Online.

The Phoenix Lights were seen by thousands of Arizona residents but 17 years on what exactly happened remains a mystery.

Turning to Ancestors for Guidance

Daily OM: Many entities assume the role of spirit guide. Throughout our lives, we may call upon angels, animal and nature spirits, ascended masters, and celestial guardians for aid, protection, and support. Our ancestors represent another wellspring from which we may draw wisdom in times of need for they, too, can act as our spirit guides. Since our forbears spent at least one lifetime experiencing the tribulations that are a part of human existence, the perspective they can offer is a uniquely grounded one. Ancestral spirit guides can empathize with our fears and our frailties, worry, temptation, and feelings of insecurity. Once you have requested their guidance, they will see to it that you emerge unscathed on the far side of conflicts and are well-equipped to fulfill your potential...read more>>>...

Keen - 3 Minutes Free with Matthew James

Click on the CALL NOW button ... join up on Keen for FREE ... then follow the prompts to talk to Matthew James LIVE ... your first 3 minutes are free.

Click on the CHAT NOW button ... . join up on Keen for FREE ... then follow the prompts to chat to Matthew James LIVE ... your first 3 minutes are free.

Name and Shame

VERENA GRUBBER ... cease and desist or else I will pursue legal action against you. We have requested your IP address from http://gimpelfang.de/ which you had subscribe to matthewhjamesmedium@gmail.com. This is the proof in the pudding this stalking madness is YOU. Plus we are in touch with social media sites where all your false accounts wrote their filth about me ...

Stalker Warning

There is a young German woman who had a fixational stalking obsession with a famous Hollywood producer with an equally famous Hollywood Actess wife , who then attached herself onto me about three years ago. She became a client of mine and developed a fixational obsession with myself, and booked a flight from Germany to Canberra to see me. She had the woman who she was staying with in Canberra book an appointment for her in a false name. When she turned up at my door, demanding she sees me on my own .. I refused to see her and she then turned nasty. It's you Isn't it VG?

She is now posting objectionable comments on certain Social Media sites relating to me, based on her side of the story. She is also subscribing me to Fox News and Britney Spears Fan Pages ... and I'm sure this is just the beginning

VG I know you are reading this ... stalking is a mental health issue and can be treated with the correct psychological treatment. David Kelly and Michelle Pfeiffer will only agree with me when I say this ... you are a menace and no amount of malice and aggression will get people to see your point of view.