Further Reading

Sunday 1 March 2015

Chakra Insight

The Mystica: Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel." Chakras are described as being shaped like multicolored lotus petals or spoked wheels which whirl at various speeds as they process energy. They are described in Hindu and Buddhist yogic literature. Both systems describe them differently, and their descriptions vary in Western literature as well.

Scientifically chakras are not recognized as no evidence of them exists. It is only until recently that they have not completely been dismissed by Western medicine. Their increased acknowledgment has came about from the use of acupuncture meridians and other Eastern systems in healing the body. Evidence for the existence of chakras, although controversial, was presented by Hiroshi Motoyama of Japan. He hypothesized that if an enlightened individual could influence the chakras, the energy output would be measured. Using a lead-lined recording booth, Motoyama measured the energy field opposite various chakras which subjects claimed to have awakened, usually through years of meditation. His findings were that energy levels at those areas were significantly greater than over the same areas of controlled subject.

There are seven major chakras and hundreds of minor ones. In the aura the etheric, astral, and mental bodies are said to each have seven major chakras. The seven major etheric centers, which are most directly concerned with the physical heath, lie along the spinal column. Each is associated with an endocrine gland, a major nerve plexus, a physiological function, and a psychic function. The higher the position along the spinal column, the more complex is the chakra and the higher are its functions.

The chakras are connected to each other and to the body through the nadis, channels of subtle energy. Of the thousands of nadis, three are the most important. The sushumna, the central channel, originating at the base of the spine and rising to the medulla oblongata at the base of the brain; its processes energy coming in from the etheric field. The ida and pingala likewise extend from the base of the spine to the brow and end at the left and right nostrils. They crisscross the sushumna in a spiral that resembles the caduceus. They wrap around, but do not penetrate the chakras, and manage the outflow of energy.

The universal life force, or kundalini, is said to enter the aura through the chakra through the top of the head, and is filtered down to the other chakras, each of which transforms the energy into the precise usable form of energy for the function it controls. When this universal force is aroused, it rises up the chakra system through the sushumna.

The methods of diagnosing the health of chakras are by clairvoyance, by energy scans with the hands, and by dowsing with pendulums. Clairvoyants say that health disturbances often manifest in the aura, and thus in the chakras, months and sometimes years before they appear in the physical body...read more>>>...