Further Reading

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Understanding Tarot Cards To Understand Your Thoughts

Collective Evolution: The major and minor arcana of the tarot are 78 cards that are essentially tools to explain the archetypes of personality, and the human experience. A common misconception is that the tarot is a mystical medium that divines your future, as though the future is a fate sealed in stone.

This idea can be dangerous because there is a fine line between prediction and manifesting. If your thoughts create your reality – implanting a thought of a “prognosis” for the future, can lead you to invest emotionally in the result, and attach energy to the thought, which can then signal a “dent” in time to create the result, instead of the result existing to begin with. However, if you look at the tarot as a means to temporarily “time travel”, the medium can give you a glimpse into a possible future result by what your thoughts are projecting. If all time is happening at once, and all that ever was, will be, and all that ever will be, was – the future is completely malleable, because you control your reality. If you wish to change your future, change your thoughts…and to change your thoughts, you must first identify them...read more>>>...