Further Reading

Sunday 5 April 2015

Evidence Of Nibiru?

Original image Matthew James 23rd July 2003, Hamilton NZ

A large scale hypothetical planet that's part of our solar system with an orbit beyond that of Neptune. Was first hypothesized in 1841 when astronomers noticed Uranus did not move as predicted in it's orbit. Based on these residuals, the search for Planet X began. This means that Planet X/Nibiru is visible every 2000 (2,160) years during its orbital pass. Sumerian and Mayan text both state that Nibiru is clearly visible by day as well as night. That being said, all science arenas confirm that the below charted events took place in the past at around those periods. The debate of course, is when exactly they occurred, and what exactly caused them to occur which isn't relevant for our purpose. You'll clearly see that the time-lines show something happens on a catastrophic scale every 4000 years (or so). The Sumerians told us that Nibiru wreaks havoc with the earth's axis every second orbital pass. (Every 4000 years or so).

Basically, Earth's axis precessed from a right tilt forward and probably 180 to the left in around 10 or 20 hours due to the gravitational "jolt" that takes place.

NASA themselves officially recognized the possibility of Planet X, with an announcement that 'some kind of mystery object is really there - far beyond the outermost planets'. One year later, the newly launched IRAS (Infra-red Astronomical Satellite) spotted a large mysterious object in the depths of space.