Further Reading

Saturday 4 April 2015

In the Robotic Near-Future, Most ‘Will Live Off Government-Provided Income’

If you think the jobs market and larger economy are bad now, just wait for the future. In the future, virtually everyone you know may be on the dole. There are a lots of projections and scenarios about what to expect as technology advances to practically unimaginable heights.

Already many human jobs are being displaced by computers, and most trends point to a rise of automated assembly lines, computer-run logistics and services and robots to do jobs humans did before that. So the very few at the top will be owners — as they are now, but with perhaps greater clout over human affairs. A token few will have human work where “manmade” might find appreciation and market, and more and more and more will become utterly dependent upon the government. Not only will the Middle Class disappear, but so will the “working poor” as there becomes less and less meaningful work to do.

If you thought the welfare state was bad now – with a record number of homes on food stamps, many out of work or giving up on work and a significant portion of what used to be the Middle Class struggling just to make ends meet – it may be that we haven’t seen anything yet. While we can hope for things to turn around, we should prepare for the worst...read more>>>...