Further Reading

Monday 27 April 2015

Name & Shame - Bad Psychics - Fake Facebook Profiles & Fake Profile Pictures

 A growing concern is the number of FAKE PROFILES on Facebook which have been created by alleged 'psychic and spiritual practitioners' with the FULL intention of misleading and misguiding the general public.

In recent days, we have uncovered a number of FAKE PROFILES created by a single individual with the full intention of UNDERTAKING CYBER BULLYING. Forcing their opinion and view point on to others by collectively posting comments from their MULTIPLE PROFILES.

The same individual has also used the same multiple profiles to attack and defame other psychics. The pictures featured in the article are the profile images of two of this users known multiple profiles. Both of which have been found to have been downloaded from Getty Images.

It is obscene that this sickness is going on within the confines of Facebook. What kind of a mind would even think to create multiple profiles in this way, and then to deliberately set about deceiving people with apparent multiple people agreeing with the same topic, or group bullying individuals who disagree with the viewpoint of the creator of these profiles.

There is a deep psychosis implied here with the creator of these fake profiles. A narcissist or a sociopath looking for adoration from friends on Facebook. A serious psychological disorder is hinted at by those who misuse Facebook in this way .. or choose to create a plethora of false accounts to deceive and attack people in this way.

But sadly as one group of false accounts are found, exposed and exterminated, many more batches of false accounts will appear elsewhere on Facebook. It is human nature and part & parcel of the social media experience.

On a personal note, the two images indicated here, which are clearly taken from Getty Images, are the the profile pictures of two FAKE profiles that have personally attacked Matthew James for no reason at all. The attacks have been perfect examples of cyber bullying and cyber trolling. The keyboard warrior behind the attacks is actually known to Matthew James. It is clear who the individual is, and the reason for the attacks is also very clear. What needs to be resolved is the fact that so many people have been fooled by the slanderous claims of these false accounts. People have been foolish to fall for the slander, and have obviously realise for themselves they have been deceived by a dangerous and unpredictable individual who is prepared to treat Facebook in this way. There is so much more down the rabbit hole than has been written here. The sad individual who has created these multiple accounts has much to hide. So much more deceit to be held accounted for. They will be in time.

Tut tut Lesley ...