Further Reading

Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Ccyle Of Life And The Delusions Of The Ego Mind

It's been such a LONG time since my near fatal illness back in October 2015. My recovery is still ongoing but is very positive. I received a wonderful positive confirmation at the weekend when a scientifically devised sound vibrational tool was able to verify the self healing being undertaken by my physical body. A gold vibration around the pancreas and the heart areas indicated regeneration of the damaged areas.

But I knew that anyway. My own soul retrieval has enabled me to step out of the physical body and thus out of the man made time continuum. This too has recently been confirmed. I undertook a house clearing for a client which led me to releasing an occupant of the house of an unfortunate attachment. In order to do this I had to leave my physical body shamanically.

Upon returning to my physical body, my client received a phone call from her offspring (Who was the one affected by the attachment) asking if I'd come to the house as he'd just spotted me walking past him in the local shops! I'd been in the house the whole time, so it proved I'd travelled out of body and out of time to collect the attached entity around him and return it to the otherworlds.

Whilst in the otherworld state I am able to perceive the timeless and cyclic experience of the human soul. We actually know out journey when we are born, as the journey has already taken place. We venture to the same place at death as we are at when we are born. This is the probable explanation for deja vu. My ability to perceive this circle of life is becoming stronger now as I accept this realisation into my life.

Thus it amuses me, when I'm trapped in my physical body, how influential the mind is ... how much the separate ego influences our life. How little the heart voice is actually listened to at times. Our instinct is to be fear based, which locks into the time illusion. The heart voice speaks of our timeless state and it will not accept the demands of the ego. The ego believes in illness and restraints. When in that state of mind we are ill and we are limited. But when we permit the heart voice to help us forget restraint and worries, we enter the timeless state ... since realising this reality my health has improved dramatically. And will continue to do so ... ....