Further Reading

Tuesday 21 April 2015

You can never win in a relationship with a narcissist

S.O.T.T: We've all met one at some point. A man or woman who seems to believe they are the centre of the universe. Arrogant, callous and manipulative, they force the world around them to accommodate this belief.

Self-important and conceited, the narcissist exaggerates accomplishments, requires endless praise, and has an uncanny ability to quash the achievements of others. They lack empathy and don't seem aware that you are a whole person with your own needs. In fact, you're only a useful tool, something to extract admiration from. The narcissist believes they're entitled to everything, including your time, your emotions and your self-esteem.

The dramatic attempts to hold your attention make your life seem tragic and fraught with anxiety. Being perpetually cut down so that the narcissist can be "better than," destroys self-confidence and eventually leads you down a spiral of gloom.

1. A narcissist won't appreciate all you go through to accommodate or satisfy them.

2. They will never remember all the things you did right, only what you did wrong. ...read more>>>...