Further Reading

Tuesday 23 June 2015

America's escalating race war: Who benefits from a mind-controlled Charleston shooter?

S.O.T.T: On Wednesday June 17th, nine African-Americans were shot to death in a church in South Carolina, allegedly by a 21-year-old white man named Dylann Storm Roof. The attack took place during evening prayers in one of the country's oldest churches, at Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church. The church has one of the largest black congregations in the US South.

On the same night as the Charleston shooting, persons unknown shot up another church in Memphis, Tennessee. No one was killed and wounded that attack, but this could be the start of a new 'trend' in the area of mass shootings in the USA.

South Carolina's governor said: "If this can happen in a church, then we've got more praying to do." Her statements are typical of government and media vacuous platitudes in the aftermath of such horrific events, the real message being: 'this was done to all of us by all of us, we must stay strong, stay together, and you the people must believe even harder in what your leaders are telling you....read more>>>...