Further Reading

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Right Of Freewill

All that matters is what is in our own reality. For that all there is. We should not be swayed by the perceptions and bullying of other souls. They are on their path and we are on our own. This is the equality of freewill. Freewill is not designed to be hijacked by the inner fears of others. Instead freewill is meant to be the vehicle through which our higher self drives through the life it intended in this incarnation. So often freewill is left in tatters and rags because of the bullying opinions of those who's perceptions are ruled by inner fears. What they see in others is the source of that inner fear. Their over bearing presence a result of a strong desire to eradicate that source of fear in their life. What they selfishly desire is a world where everything suits their perceptions and their desires. Sadly, that world doesn't exist. It is not a paradigm of existence on this world as no two people view the world in the same way. 

Our own reality should be the focus of our awareness. We shouldn't have the right to dictate to others what they should or should not be doing. When others fail to fall into the acceptable structure of our perception we should not call them odd, deluded or sick ... their reality is different to our own. Let others be free to make their own judgements, offer opinions yes ... but do not force people to look at the world through your eyes. Their life will have different parameters to yours. 

Next time a negative influence appears in our lives. Acknowledge the influence and look at it as a reminder that the universe is asking us to look at our lives a little more closely. Is there any validation in what they are saying? If there is ... then thank the universe for the resultant quality control we need to impose on our life. If there is no validation to the influence then blank out that influence. It is as simple as that. Do not let that negative influence affect you. Too many people become depressed or upset when a sceptical attack is unleashed on them. It is best to take a deep breath and look at what the sceptic is really saying. 'You represent a fear they have. They wish you to take that fear away for them by reacting to their hogwash'. Remember when a negative sceptic turns his attention on you, it is his problem, usually a very deep rooted one. Not yours. Do not jump into his psycho drama by giving him the time of day -Matthew James