Further Reading

Monday 6 July 2015

Collectively Realized Creation vs. Mutually Assured Destruction

This title speaks to the opposing ambitions of two forces at large on our planet. Those which work towards the realisation of a great vision – and those which work towards the annihilation of all vision.

Although they stand at diametrically opposite extremes in the process we call ‘life’, their presence is increasingly felt within the everyday workings of our planet.

The concept of ‘collectively realized creation’ is rooted in the collective unconscious of humanity. In all of us. It is that which informs our desire to live – and to outwardly express that desire. To express it through actions that reflect the depth and wealth of the divine sparks within each one of us.

Whereas ‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD) – a term used to describe the East-West ‘Cold War’ nuclear missile build-up of the 1980’s – has no part in the human script; but is nevertheless a state towards which our planet is being pushed by forces that appear blind to their own madness. But then perhaps madness cannot ever recognise itself.

As it is, it has turned-out not to be that hard to set humanity rushing off in the opposite direction from that which informs the flowering of collectively realised creation. All it took was the devising of a confidence trick to make we humans feel guilty about that which fulfils our simple heart-felt joys...read more>>>...