Further Reading

Sunday 5 July 2015

Image of the Day - Planet X & Moon

Planet X & Moon - copyright Matthew James 2003
The large light source in the middle of the image is The Sun. At approx the  "1 o'clock" position is what I believe to be one of the moons of Planet X, or more sinisterly it might be one of the two 'ufos' that were spotted on the NASA live streams at the time; live streams which were taken off line moments after the sighting. 

Planet X or Nibiru is also at the '1 o'clock' position but higher in the photo. It is the large light source surrounded by the apparent red lens flare. Is it a lens flare or something else? This large light source is clearly an astronomical body, something in the sky. Other photos confirm it's existence. Interestingly photos of the sun, taken in the Northern hemisphere have the same light object around the sun but at the "7 o'clock" position!!!

Share and circulate far and wide, it is time everyone learned of the return of Nibiru/Wormwood/The Crossing! This is one instance in modern times where fable has been turned to fact!