Further Reading

Sunday 5 July 2015

The Codex Of Light - Dreaming In The Dream

The Codex Of Light comes from an inter-dimensional vibration. A platform on which visionaries from the earth plane, and visionaries from other realms and dimensions can meet and share their viewpoints. The communications are more often than not undertaken by way of direct thought transmissions (D.T.T's) and the information shared by way of the universal language of light and downloaded as visions. These visions share a common insight, a common goal and a common understanding. The original spirit of 'man' stretches far outside our galaxy, on many vibrations. We are the fodder and food for a predator race. The Codex Of Light contains the solutions to help overcome the snares of this vile creature. The Codex Of Light teaches of the need to empower ourselves with the universal power of infinite love. This is so necessary at this time as the predator is infiltrating our dimensions with energies of hatred and despite - vibrations which lead to our self destruction and a powerless state that leaves us vulnerable to ensnarement. There are so many misguided aspects of our planet at this time being misled by the predator's enchantments. The Codex Of Light helps us to recognise the signs of these enchantments and can guide us away from those dangers - Matthew James

Please respect the dream that your long forgotten ancestors first dreamt. Your dreams will create the dreamland that your future selves will dream. Think carefully about what you dream in this dream ... COPYRIGHT MATTHEW JAMES