Further Reading

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Totem Animal for the Day

Today's Totem Animal is the Moorhen

The Moorhen is a bird we all see by the side of lakes and dams, but who actually takes note of the Moorhen's movements or its cries? It is a regular visitor in most of our lives, and I feel it is taken for granted. So many of us are the same. It's only when we do something which is outside of our expected behavioural patterns that we get noticed ...

Today I took note of a Moorhen at the top of a tree ... an unusual behaviour pattern. Perfect synchronicity in my life to take note of this particular Moorhen. Up until this point I took the Moorhen's for granted and never thought they were one of my power animals.

I was wrong .. it took the universe the timing to get me to notice this one particular Moorhen. Its message for me today is clear:

"The Moorhen is a strange energy to perhaps consider as a totem animal ... a scavenger and a survivor. Providing the ability to delve into situations and extract the most finite of details. An animal of both land and water. Not the most striking of birds ... one which does not stand out as anything out of the ordinary. Persistence and dedication to a purpose ... one of life's survivors ... an unassuming presence. Reliable, patient ... and there for the long run."
(Info taken from A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS).

Interesting info for today. Moorhen's message to us all, take note of what is going on around you, look for the signs and the evidence presented by patterns that are outside of the normal everyday. See what is being said to you ...