Further Reading

Monday 13 June 2016

A Great Initiation Called Death

Light of Truth Oracle copyright Matthew James
Waking Times: There’s no point in pretending it’s something not to think about. We do anyway don’t we? But it’s how we think about it that matters – and how we feel about it, even more so.

Carlos Castaneda rivets our attention on the ever imminent reality in proclaiming the Shaman’s rule…that unless one can stand face to face with the unflinching reality of death – one is unsuited to the role of warrior traveller.

Now some might retort, “We are not aspiring to be warriors anyway, so why make a big deal out of it?” OK, but let’s not confuse the more standard war-like connotation of that word ‘warrior’ with its further meaning as: warrior traveler.

You see the ‘traveller’ factor is very significant; it means something that moves, that is not static. It suggests a continuing exploration, a voyage, change an unfolding event, doesn’t it? Many reading this are no doubt warrior travellers in the making; brave explorers within the divine drama of life...read more>>>...