Further Reading

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Magick Journal for 27th September 2016

It's been a very satisfying week. A culmination of a sense of well-being which I've been carrying really since March this year, when I returned to the UK for the first time in 10 years. It had been great to see old places and old faces; to retrace steps I'd not really taken since my emigration to the Southern Hemisphere in 2002. 

It was fantastic to return again to the UK in July/August. Even better to re-establish old connections and to negotiate new avenues that will effect further returns to the UK in 2017. It has changed the whole face of the life tapestry I see before me. 

Back in February this year, I made my last appearance on the Australian TV program Psychic TV.  Throughout the year there had been many touch and go situations with regard to the popular programs return. It effectively had no channel to be broadcast on with the collapse of 4 ME. Then came the light at the end of the tunnel when I received a phone call prior to my 2nd UK trip this year in July. I had to keep my lips sealed and say nothing to anyone until it was safe to do so! Throughout my 5 week trip to the UK the sense of well-being was growing more and more. Energetic recharges at Castlerigg Stone Circle and Long Meg & Her Daughters increased the frequency of my subtle bodies, releasing so many accumulated toxins. I felt myself really ready now for what lay ahead. I was ready to make my return to the challenging environment of the Australian Psychic industry; a very competitive world to say the least. 

No sooner had we touched back down in Australia, three weeks ago (It seems much longer than that), than I was thrust back into the public arena with my participation in the very enjoyable CPC Expo in Canberra after three busy days of private readings at home. I had barely time for jetlag or tiredness with three full days of readings and two stage appearances. Its been full on ever since, its no rest for the wicked they say! 

Then came the weekend of  24th & 25th September 2016 (Last weekend). PTV Australia made is debut on Australian TV, on Channel 7 TWO. PTV Australia is Psychic TV reborn. The evening's theme was that of the rising phoenix, a perfect totem for what is a seemingly impossible feat! The show is back up and running. A fantastic occurrence. I made my return to the show in the early hours of Sunday 25th September 2016 ... the show time was 1AM to 4AM. I had so much energy and so much adrenaline, it wouldn't have mattered what time it was that the live show was on. It was so satisfying to be back at the desk, before the cameras. It had been 7 long months since the last time. I returned to the studio 24 hours later in the early hours of Monday 26th September 2006 for what was my 96th show on PTV. I've been at the desk through all of its 4 'incarnations' since its inception 5 years ago. I'm due back in the studio in the 2nd week of October 2016.

So here I am a few days later, its past midnight on the evening of 27th September 2016 and I'm busily re-establishing a Magickal Journal which was once a fairly regular feature on A Light In The Darkness. There is much for me to write about in all seriousness. I will attempt to undertake a more regular connection in this way. So watch out for my future ramblings. Bye for now - Matthew James