Further Reading

Thursday 15 September 2016

The Incredible Lie

It is perfectly clear that everything we are taught from an early age, about living on this tiny planet known as earth, is an atrocious lie. Our consciousness is an eternal aspect of the universal consciousness. It is a creator of, and is guided by thought forms. This universe exists entirely of thought waves. Like a gargantuan ocean, the universe has waves that ebb and flow.

As an aspect of the universe trapped into a young 'body' we are lost, alone and require stimuli to generate the scenes to exist in within this crazy dimension. We are at our most vulnerable in this state of awareness ... and are subject to deception and exploitation. It is at this point we are provided the fake perceptions that guide our consciousness to generate its own version of the earth plane, in which to experience this dimension.

It is these fake perceptions that have created the version of the earth you find yourself in. Thought forms work on belief in order to manifest and to continue to manifest the holographic scene before you. 'Scientific' experiments have proven that test results can be controlled by believing an experiment works. Thus if you believe the lies fed about this reality, then they will continue to exist in the form those fake perceptions of got you to think and believe.

The truth is far different to what you think is the truth about this reality. You are not really here, for starters. You are not within your apparent physical body. None of this experience is of any cosmic significance. What you are told about human history and past civilisations are lies and falsehoods. History is littered with lies and deceptions. It is how the apparent future is shaped. In truth there is no past and no future. There is only the constant now that you appear to exist in.

This is a dream. A 3D projection onto 2D 'space' .... you are connected to this projection, again by fake perceptions. You are told you have to keep returning here. You don't. Everything about this reality is a lie. And all you appear to see around you only exists within the mind of the human body you have been connected to. It is not real in the sense of a true reality. You have been sold an incredible lie - Matthew James