Further Reading

Thursday 22 September 2016

The World’s Food Seeds are Going Extinct, but You Can Help

Waking Times: Most of the truly important news of our times goes unnoticed, under-reported or ignored by the corporate media, and as they focus on the ever-evolving narrative of human political drama, we are missing opportunities to participate in the most important struggles of our time. Seven generations from now, the destruction of the world’s seed diversity by corporate greed will have a much greater impact on the human condition than as much as anything else we can fathom.

Seeds are absolutely vital to life on earth, but once a crop has gone extinct there is no way to revive it. In the last century alone, the world has lost at least 93% of all seed types, which had been cultivated by individual farmers around the globe for millennia providing a robust array of nutrition and sustenance.

A major part of the problem is the shift toward industrial, corporate sponsored agriculture and monocultures which is now heavily dependent on corporate seed manufacturers who have through corporate business practices consolidated the seed industry and recruited the enforcement of government policy to ensure that farmers have few choices...read more>>>...