Further Reading

Thursday 6 October 2016

Sightings of Ancient UFOs

Mass sightings with complete coherent reports track back hundreds of years before the time of electronics and modern mass communication. One such example cites a flying disc shaped object traveling from Scotland, over Europe and into Asia. The sighting is well documented in woodcuts and gazettes from several towns who's only lines of communication were foot travel or by horse during the Dark Ages. In fact, dates on the news reports are close enough together that either gossip by foot or by horse would not have traveled fast enough. Also, many of the countries were at war. Why would any individual risk crossing into enemy territory to tell someone there about seeing a strange object in the sky?

The question doesn't end in the Dark Ages though several sightings during the period, in a heightened time of unrest and violence, do have similar descriptive terms. Fire in the sky burning and spinning. Revolving wheel or round barrel of flame. Long fiery beam, pile of fire the size of a small boat, dark object making a sound like a wheel, shaped like a drum and came from the sea. The execution of Nichiren, for example, was aborted as the executioner panicked and ran when he witnessed an object in the sky like a full moon suddenly appear. As well, the Japanese are first credited to the term "flying saucer" after a sighting in 1180CE describing a flying earthenware vessel leaving a luminous trail. As time traces further back, descriptions tend to remain similar in style but use different terms such as a flying globe of fire and circular shield in the sky. Even so far back into written history around 1450BCE where the annals of Thutmose III talking of circles of fire coming from the sky brighter than the brightness of the sun...read more>>>...