Further Reading

Sunday 15 January 2017

Fake Food vs. Real Food – A Question of Life or Death

Waking Times: As the New Year dawns, so does our thinking process have an opportunity to do likewise. And why not make it a first call to get your priorities sorted out about your 2017 eating habits? After all, it is the quality of the fuel that you put in the tank that ensures how well your engine runs.

Although they might look nice, the great majority of supermarket foods are just a brilliant con trick. And I’m telling you this, sensing that the majority reading this article are most likely still doing most of their food shopping in a supermarket or ‘superstore’.

Alright, so put on your safety belt, because I’m going to take you on a rapid ride down the isles of that ‘superstore’ just down the road from you.

First impression: Wow, so much choice! Wrong, the product range you are looking at is made up of many slight variations of ‘one food’, and that one food has a number of different manufacturers. So you go to get a litre or two of milk; Oh my! Six different mega dairies have their goods on display, all churning out the same white stuff (called milk), and they all look identical. Choice? Oh yes, you can have skimmed, reduced low-fat, or whole; all of which are pasteurised and homogenized. And, of course, there’s ultra heat-treated (UHT). But there’s no ‘milk’ available. I think you get my drift: each of those products is a denatured distortion of ‘real milk’. Real Milk is ‘illegal’ in these places – unless you’re in France. Raw unpasteurised milk, with nothing added or taken out: not allowed....read more>>>...