Further Reading

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Awakening – The Greatest Psyop in History

Waking Times: The rhetoric has been escalating over the years as all these groups have a lot to say about the current state of human affairs and about one another, which simply helps to solidify the divisions needed for humanity to remain slaves. Just look around, it is easy to spot all the P.O.B.s (points of blame): immigrants, religions, snowflakes, liberals, alt-right, the last ‘elected’ (selected) leader, the current leader, the rich, the poor (entitled), government and again, many more, seems to have all contributed to the mentality that one group of humans is taking from ME so trust no one. This rhetoric has increased and the levels of demonstrable hatred has become very noticeable within the ‘hearts’ of the populace (if they truly have one left)...read more>>>...