Further Reading

Friday 21 April 2017

Gang Stalking: Directed Energy Weapon Mind Control Technology

Waking Times: Not satisfied with controlling the masses through guns, taxes, mass media brainwashing and by dumbing down… the government is using its agencies such as the CIA or DARPA as cover sources for secret energy weapon mind control technology.

Those likely to be victimized by the technology have a number of traits. Are you?

*Someone having high integrity, acting with conscience..?
*Having alternative views..?
*An awakened activist, seeing right through and exposing governmental corruption..?
*Seeing things from a higher perspective..?

-Having these qualities, you could be perceived by your government as a threat to the advancement of their New World Order agenda. Consequently, you could be victimized through becoming one of the government’s targeted individuals for mind control. Without giving your consent or even knowing that you’re being targeted and manipulated, energy weapon mind control technology could be used to taint, discredit, impoverish, silence, subjugate or even kill you...read more>>>...