New Dawn Magazine: For those who have been feeling ‘off’ for no apparent reason, with
headaches, anxiety, a general ‘jitteriness’ and irritation, insomnia and
perhaps more extreme symptoms such as tingling in the extremities,
brain fog and palpitations, the answer may be YES. Microwave radiation
exposure is not the only contributor, however it’s one of multiple
environmental factors.
How are things going in your life? Are there emotional
contractions contributing to the cellular stress response. There is no
space to ‘heal’ if cells are overwhelmed by stress. Typically many of us
have over-aroused nervous systems and cells literally never rest. I
have some tools to work with held-trauma and therefore create space for
recuperation. It is unlikely someone at optimal health
(physical/emotional/spiritual) will be experiencing microwave radiation
sickness symptoms as their cells are freed-up to more>>>...