Further Reading

Thursday 17 August 2017

Become Your Own Paradigm

Despite the apparent awakening, or quickening, it appears most folk are happy to say they are 'becoming more spiritual' or 'getting the gist' when in truth they find it easier to say that on the surface, but deep down inside still adhere to the rules and the structures of the state imposed paradigm.

... Its easier for most folk to be told what to think, and how to act ... it still boils down to 'keeping up with the Jones's or worrying too much what other people might think about them if they are seen to be different.

Sadly that great enchantment still holds them in place. Their ego will not let them break out of the role playing set up for them since they were children. They can't break out (From the vision of the conveyor belt in the old video of Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd) from the life set out for them by their families and the thought processes of their ancestors before them.

They are weak. They are resistant to change.

Sadly the new paradigm will pass them by. They will never become aware of the different perspective and awareness that is available to them ... the one I personally have been aware of for over forty years (I don't remember when I started thinking that way, I think I always have).

Fear is their biggest weakness. Multiple fears. Weakness is part of the illusion cast by the enchantment. Its easier not to believe the media manufactured crap out there, than it is to believe it. The old paradigm relies on your naivety and the closed mind that the state has created for you. Its easier to question and work things out for yourself.

Many souls play act and say they are part of the new wave, the snow plough so to speak. Its easy to do that, and I see it all the time. They cannot think for themselves, they all quote the same NA Scriptures (NA = New Age) and sound the same; look the same and jump at the same point when I point out their failings. The NA rapture is just the same as the forces it apparently opposes; same garbage just in a different package or pretty wrapper.

... think it out for yourself, and create your own thoughts and your own belief patterns. Don't be told that to think if it doesn't feel right. Adjust the labels until what you have is your own structure. But think for yourself. Be yourself. Be more open to the world that is billions of years old, with an infinite number of previous advanced civilisations in an existence that has multiple dimensions full of life. Don't fall for the most advanced civilisation ever for the only life forms in the entire universe. The universe has billions upon billions of worlds. And only ONE sustains life. Really?