Further Reading

Friday 18 August 2017

The Game Known as "Face and Live Your Fears"

There are so many different 'species' of inter-dimensional beings, from all over the universe, that occupy human forms; that make up the human soul collective. Human is not just akin to beings from what we know as Earth. We've always said that the human form, or the DNA that is used to create the human form, has been used many, many times all over the galaxies.

... It is a software avatar for navigation around this virtual reality, in truth. 

These migrating and travelling species have somehow been elected to occupy human forms at this time. Present in the software survival game program we can call 'Face and Live Your Fears'. A level of the universal game where you think fears, come into existence with inherent fears, then have to come to terms with those fears.

For so many species, this game pattern is old hat, they've 'been there, done that, seen that, worn the tee shirt, watched the video' etc. They are here to relive, rekindle and remember ... whether by choice or by a greater design. But they are here. They are all in the mix, we are all in the mix.

Living in fear and manufacturing fear like a huge engine room. We are creating a fear energy, a fuel. A food for something somewhere to feed off. This is a fact, a realisation you all must accept. It is no mistake that fear is the energy that predatory creatures use to hunt their victims. Spiders, snakes, big game animals all detect the fear in their prey .... why are we no different?

We are fed on each and every day. Unseen predators, well versed in mind control and mind illusions, are out there, somewhere close by ... creating thoughts and images within your awareness that breed fear. You are their 'drive through KFC' ... and if you have fears then you are a food source.

The ancient Atlanteans knew this and understood the 'sixteen fears' we are born with. When you transcend your fears, it is said, then you become infinite love. So true.

Human existence is more complex than we will ever realise on this plane of existence. You are not what you think you are as human fears and their complications distort your awareness. Your thoughts may not in truth be truly your own. Your fears need to be muted ... but how ??? Help is at hand from unlikely sources, which is where we feel the multiples of species come in. So many have been in this situation before in other existences, and have a conscious memory of those times. Others are overcoming the fears and ceasing to be a food source. Others are actually the hunters of these predators ....!! Sounds far fetched ... but so does the story the earth is only 5000 years old or that it is the only planet in all the trillions out there that supports life. Overcoming the norms and the accepted 'scientific truths' is possible by losing the fear that forces you to believe that bullshit!