Further Reading

Friday 22 September 2017

Dreaming The Dream

Servants Of The Light Tarot imagery
This isn't really living, this world we are in. Its taken half a century to realise just what it is. Its a dream of a life. Its an illusion. A dream in which you dream you are sleeping then waking up in a morning to be trapped in a daily routine of machine repetitiveness.

It is a convincing dream for sure. You pinch yourself and it apparently hurts. You look to long at the sun and it blinds your eyes. Someone shoots you with a gun and you suffer injury or worse, you leave the dream. It can all be explained by programmed responses; by anticipated outcomes that are written into the script of the dream.

It matters not if you don't believe me ... because you are in your life, your own separated reality. We think differently and perceive different things. But in mine, all of my research and experiences have led to this one conclusion ... it really matter not what you have in this dream. It is a dream of physical experiences, and you are here to dream them and let yourself be convinced they are real.

So, we may as well just get on with it, without caring too much about it. One of these days it will end ... and we either wake from this dream, or enter into the next one. But eventually the whole sequence will come to a close and our consciousness will either be told what it was all about, or it will remember what it is all about.

All the spiritual pilgrims who are looking for that something, or the answers to it all, will eventually come to this same conclusion that has been reported here. No amount of meditation or contemplation or spiritual awareness will change it ... we are on this earth to dream for as long as we are permitted to dream this dream. It cannot be changed. 

Trillions of incarnates have been here before us, and no doubt trillions more will be here after us. This earth reinvents and reanimates itself and because 'nothing is new under the sun' everything will keep repeating itself. It is what it is ... and it will continue to be so for as long as it is intended to be. We are merely travellers along the dream pathways, and we cannot change it. We are not meant to be able to change it. We are merely meant to accept the dream is reality and live it to the full. To get the most we can out of it. Simples.