Further Reading

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Feet In Both Worlds - "Exposing The Rotten Eggs"

"You would think, with everyone claiming to come from the same intention, that of 'being in service' to the other worlds (Spirit, or the other side, as many call it) that there would be a unity; that everyone would work together for the common good, and make a difference to this dangerous world.

You would wouldn't you?

The general public surmise, when they venture to a Mind, Body and Spirit Festival, or other similar venues, that it is one big happy family amongst the psychics. They seem to think all work together as equals. Sadly that is not the case.

In this section of my journey, I will attempt to explain just how difficult a place it is within these psychic fayres, if you are not 'in the click' or if you are the outsider. Huge egos walk around these places, wearing the right gear, and saying the right 'love and light' words to convince the general public they are what they claim to be. But behind closed doors it is a real battlefield.

It is very true. Having been on the receiving end of malice, jealousy and even black magic, I know what it is to be the outsider. I'm talking about some of the called 'big names' in the 'industry' who are the instigators of rumours, hate campaigns and even black hexes. The names would surprise you.... the list is a long one.....

And, in this section I will explain some of the steps they have taken to bring me down. Sadly, I'm happy to say, they only made me stronger. Any form of intention is an energy; thoughts good or bad sent to another individual can be harnessed by that individual to their advantage ... as it has been freely given to them. Having been well versed in how to neutralise 'dark energy' I've been able to utilise the energy from these endless attacks. Then I've sat back and watched the instigators reaction when, despite their best efforts, I've still kept going."

 Extract taken from "Feet In Both Worlds" by Matthew James