Further Reading

Monday 25 September 2017

"Locked Within The Spinning Top Of Their Inflated Egos" - A View On The Current State Of The Psychics

In many instances the 'Psychic Industry' has become like a school yard, with all the giggling students showing off their latest oracle cards and pretty banners, as if they were the latest IPhone or a packet of sought after Pokemon cards!

The giggling students are playing with a ticking time bomb that is going to explode in their faces. Psychic awareness is not a toy, or a game, or something to let their inflated egos control. 

It is embarrassing to watch the frolics of these completely inexperienced and clueless novices attempt to make a professional career out of such a dangerous art. Its dangerous for them fooling themselves that they are something they are not - 95% call themselves mediums when they clearly have no idea what it is they claim to have. It is more dangerous for the naive and gullible people that go to see them. The responsibility of working with a human soul is not something to take lightly.

It is also pitiful to hear the constant claims of working with 'angels, guides and ascended masters'. The likelihood of any of these claims being the real deal are less than 5%. Those that readily make these claims are, in truth, highly deluded. They are deluding themselves and misleading the people who pass money into their hands. If the giggling students were to stop and think, and manage to switch off their inflated egos for a while, and listened to what they had been saying - they would realise just how crazy the industry is they are creating.

If they knew what they were really communicating with; that is playing mind games with them; they would be reduced to whimpering blobs in a mental ward. The forces are certainly not angelic and benevolent; that is what the inexperienced student wishes to be connecting to, and that is what the forces are letting them believe they are connecting to. The mind of an inexperienced magician is so easy to fool.

It is chaos and madness in its current form. They are fooling themselves that they are growing spiritually using 'New Age' hocus pocus that has little truth within it. They read the books, they surf the web and they attend the courses, and become little more than sheep following each other. None of them are authentic, as they have become carbon copies of those who created the New Age beliefs in the first place. The giggling students will only become authentic when they think for themselves, and devise their own magical systems and use their own methods to work with the otherworlds. Until then they will remain locked within the spinning top of their inflated egos. 

Service to the Otherworlds only truly begins when the ego is controlled, the student becomes totally selfless and is not attempting to draw any attention to themselves. The student undertakes their work in obscurity ... how many heart doctors do you see announcing on Facebook every time they save a life? The heart doctor gets on with their job without drawing unnecessary attention to themselves. That is how it should be with the obscure 'psychic' ... live in obscurity, unknown, working with the otherworlds.  Yet, when you read the Facebook pages of so many of the giggling Psychic Students, the pages are full of all the wonderful messages and deeds they've undertaken. Its not necessary. It should come with the territory. Too many of them try to earn brownie points against each other by claiming the most incredible proof or connections. Its an uncontrolled ego at work; it also proves they are not really ready for the work they undertake. - C.L