Further Reading

Monday 16 October 2017

Aliens, NDE and Purple Hebrew Fire Letters ...

I've often been asked what are the strangest experiences, or phenomenon I've ever had? Have I seen, or been, in contact with aliens? Have I experienced a NDE .... 

What always springs to mind are the following strange experiences, though there are numerous others I could mention as well...

Number one on the list of strange phenomenon, must be the incredible Purple 'Fire Hebrew Letter' or burning 'Yod' that overwhelmed my entire awareness back in the early 2000's. I'd just settled into bed, had closed my eyes, but was still very much awake, when I noticed a small, moving, object in the back of my mind. It moved closer and closer, until I became aware it was of a purplish colour and appeared to be a flame of some kind. It continued to loom closer and closer, getting bigger and bigger until it hovered in front of my eyes. In the next instance the burning 'fire letter' had then entered through the brow of my head and immediately immersed my entire body, from head to toe, in an overwhelming energy of bliss and incredible energetic 'power'. It lasted for only a second or two, but it was an immense experience. Something I've never had since, and something I found the understanding of in the 'Keys Of Enoch' several months later.

Number two was the Near Death Experience or 'actual death experience' that I went through back in late 2014 when I had been taken seriously ill and rushed to a Medical Centre for treatment. I'd collapsed on the floor of the Medical Centre in incredible pain, and had slipped unconscious. I'd immediately witnessed a strobe of light emanating from above my head which had then enveloped me in its light. Immediately, I kind of 'shifted' my awareness from being in incredible pain, to somewhere else entirely. I'd merely entered another state of awareness, one in which I totally forgot the earth plane. I was commencing a journey across a sunlit field when I heard shouting my name. I found myself somehow back in my pain wracked body. For the next twelve weeks I was able to enter this altered state of awareness, at will, to avoid the intense pain from my body, and to also meet up with entities on other dimensions. During those journeys into these other dimensions, I could not fail the notice the incredible bliss, freedom and sense of belonging I experienced there. I know for a fact these were not dreams but projections by my consciousness to other dimensions where I was receiving healing and had a chance to review my life.

Number three was the time I awoke from sleep early one morning back in the mid 1980's to find five beings appear out of thin air in front of me. They were around 4ft 5ins in height and wore what looked like Egyptian masks. There was some kind of spinning/moving apparatus in their stomach area. It was literally as if someone had spray painted the air and made them appear. I understood they must have had the ability to translocate themselves from their reality to ours.

Number four was the time I was literally punched by a male entity that had appeared in the back of my mind one night when I'd just ventured to bed and closed my eyes. It wasn't a dream, I had become aware of this male who had suddenly squared up in front of me and landed a punch .... I felt the impact, all the way through my body, with a jolt ... as the punch appeared to strike an energy field around the top of my head; an energy field that enveloped my entire body like a sheath - Matthew James