Further Reading

Saturday 28 October 2017

Infinite Identity

All your deeds, and all your actions, should be done for self. Not just to please or impress others. Be genuine to yourself, and follow your own true path - don't judge all your deeds by how much you get adored by others.

When in the limelight, if ever at all, follow by your own example and show those who see you, the original and authentic you, not a carbon copy of someone else.

It's vital to rediscover the self you were, prior to your entry into this existence, to let that infinite energy shine through to outshine the sooty flames of the glamour - the personality you are expected to me when you enter this earth plane.

Forget what peers demand, and what the environmental controls dictate .... be strong enough to be your true self. You can only be your truest identity when you discover that infinite light. There are so many ways to do this, only you can find out the right way for you to discover your true self.

Don't let any false teachers demand they tell you who you are, or what you are. Only you can discover that infinite identity. Only you ... for there is only you in your version of this reality. Everyone else are figments of your mind, vibrations of your thoughts .... they are not as real as you are in your reality. Let no other blue print, than your own,  determine your real identity - Matthew James