Further Reading

Sunday 22 October 2017

Magick Journal - Realisation

Magick Journal Entry 22nd Oct 2017
Title: Realisation

It's time to discard the out-dated identity and with it a 'title' that truly doesn't define me ... titles are vibrations that limit the energy that flows and which defines the identity of the carrier of that title, thus titles must be carefully chosen for they create your nature.

And my nature was never really what people assumed I was publically. I went along with that title and that energy force, to conform. Otherwise if I was to have used my most efficient title... or no title at all, so I can just be 'I am I" ... there would have been no recognition. For my most efficient title describes an air that is from the ancient past. So few practitioners exist. But needs must for me to become efficient once again.

Thus R.J. Stewart was correct when he stated that 'mediation is not a matter of passive reception as in the popularised and superficial process of mediumship'. That title is misconstrued, overused and abused by so many egos that scurry around the new age circuit. All the wannabes who fail to comprehend what the title really is. They practice it so poorly because that title is a wrongful claim by them, and their air is tarnished and they are not using their energy efficiently. They claim the title so they can get attention and can get recognised ... thus the energy they accumulate via the title is too great for their evolution to process and comprehend.

I choose, thus, to return back to where I was before that title distracted me. I return back to the function of mediation and the ability I have to be an interface between this virtual world and all the other worlds that exist outside the boundaries of this vibration. The title 'mediumship' does not permit that function. For 'mediumship' has nothing to do with linking to the higher modes of awareness. The title limits you to the ex-human realms. It does not permit an interface with the non-human or the trans-human. For so long the non-human have permitted me to converse with them; to be aware of the them; and to be able to see them.

Thus I accept the realisation that the previous wheel must turn again so I can thus assume the role of being 'a channel for a specific power to flow out into this virtual world'. I thus accept that burden and permit myself to be that air as efficiently as the specific power dictates. Thankfully, I've known my entire life just who that specific power is ... and it requires me to realise just what it makes me this time, this place, this face ... I am but one of the many 'Merlins' this time. I have always been, and shall assume that 'air' again ... Matthew James