Further Reading

Wednesday 18 October 2017

One Voice Made Up Of Billions Of Individual Voices

I do not have the right to tell you what is the right way, or what is the wrong way. For my understanding of this virtual reality world, is just that, my understanding. It serves me, and directs me in my unique version of this journey through the manifest. Those view points might not be right for you, or even work for you ... I can only give impressions of what is my understanding of this matrix madness.

Equally, you do not have the right to condemn or command me, based on your viewpoints and your understandings. They may well be right in your version of the manifest world, but don't assume they are right for me, or anyone else for that matter.  

Each version of this world may look the same, and even feel the same, but they are each and every one of them a unique clone of the original world ... that has been created and coded by the vibration manufactured by the cystalline structure of your DNA. All of us together are one collective or one voice, in my opinion, made up of billions of individual voices. Much like you hear the voice of a crowd, that is made up of all those voices shouting together at the same time ...

My theories are my theories, and yours are yours. There is no definitive RIGHT answer ... neither is anything wrong. Its what works within your dimension that is important. So, my message here is simple, everyone should learn to share their viewpoints without letting the false ego get in the way. All aspects of that one voice are equal and should be free to express their understanding of this manifest world.

Sadly, this is a long way from happening - Matthew James