Further Reading

Monday 30 October 2017

Raven - Totem Bird of the Day

When a Raven totem has flown into your life, it signifies that real magic is at play. Raven ignites the energies of magic permitting it to become at one with our intentions and will. This inspires great adjustments to be made at this time, meaning that dreams can become a reality. 

Raven will show you how to walk into those dark recesses of the mind where our inner conflicts are kept hidden, thus, opening the doors to the deepest power of healing that can then be in our grasp.

Raven is therefore assuring you of the "impeding change". With Raven, comes the ability to bend time and space for the perfect moment at the right time.

Raven is a significator of rebirth, of renewal, of reflection and of healing. 

When Raven enters into your life, human and animal spirits tend to intermingle. It is in the blackness of the hidden (Or the occult) that Raven symbolises that everything is mixed, and mingled,  until it is brought forward into "the light". Raven can help facilitate this passage from the darkness to the light, as well granting the power of shape shifting your life or your being.