Further Reading

Monday 20 November 2017

A Gnostic Circle?

Long Meg & Her Daughters
If the ring of stones at Long Meg & Her Daughters, basically 'the daughters' represent the gnostic ring known as the Ouroboros or Leviathan - the boundary between the upper and lower Aeons. Then the lone standing stone outside of this circle, known as Long Meg, represents the mirror realm known as the Lower Aeon.  The true reality, known to Gnostics as The Upper Aeon, lies within the circle of stones.

Thus 'The Daughters' are perhaps a representation of 'The Limit' (Horos) - that which was created to separate Sophia from her unborn idea called 'Yaldabaoth' ... 

... on approaching Long Meg & Her Daughters therefore we wander through the Lower Aeon (We exist within the Lower Aeon anyway as soul) and when we cross the circle of daughters we can symbolically make our way back as spirit into our true home - The Upper Aeon.