Further Reading

Thursday 16 November 2017

Becoming Limitless but Limited At The Same Time ...

We've all had our fair share of tough criticism; ridden the ridicule and the heartache generated by the harsh critiques of others. We've all been injured by the caustic words of the jealous and the embittered. It's life, sadly, and its the anticipated hurdles that being part of a hostile and warlike race creates. Mankind will never find peace, because its natural state is conflict; on all levels.

However, there comes a point in time, when all the poison barbs of fears fall away, and it no longer hurts to be criticised or scorned. The jealous and embittered may not have gone anywhere, they may still be there, but they no longer affect us.

We find a warming and peaceful area of our psyche, where we laugh even when our outside face is crying. We feel a sense of adventure, even when our daily life is challenging or stressful. We get excited by the prospects of experiencing the material plane, no matter how mundane life's tasks might be.

We no longer feel the desire to be recognised, or have the need to accumulate fame or fortune. We are just happy to be. We realise at this point just what we are - an expression of the infinite awareness experiencing a part of itself. This is the wonder of walking the earth plane as your True Self. Completely slakeless and inert in reaction to what is happening around you. Just being. Just experiencing.

No matter how frustrating it makes others, their corrosive energies no longer effect you. Your mind becomes limitless but limited at the same time. Limitless as it realises the infinite nature that is you. But limited because it accepts the barriers and restraints imposed by being the you this time. You can accept your limitations and excited to explore the aspects of material life you have at your disposal in your current expression of the infinite awareness. No longer caring how others see you, or what others say to you, or about you. Fearless and resolute. No longer controlled by the hive minded Assumed Self that is very much the identity created by the DNA of the physical body. Your 'Soul DNA' becomes now the beacon that attracts the light and disregards the darkness which the light attracts. Thus your life begins a new chapter with true perceptions awakened.