Waking Times: Complete awakening happens on all levels. This includes the
realisation there are some very serious enemies to personal/spiritual
liberty who will work against you. They might say they are looking out
for your best interest, or that of the greater good, but it is really
always about control.
Thanks to archaeology and anthropology, we have been given some very
clear information of the characteristics of each age of human societal
development. For thousands of years, the glue that held societies
together was conformity as well as the judgment that ensues when this
conformity was not met. Conformity to accepted cultural, religious,
racial, and economic norms held together the collective identity pretty
well. This worked just fine as long as populations were relatively small
and homogeneous. If wealth is concentrated and accessible only to the
very smallest portion of such a society, then dependence is a natural
survival instinct that proves successful in most cases. If the group is
small and each member procures food, shelter, and clothing in the same
way, then the instinct of perceived fairness aids in the preservation of
justice. In these societies positions of power are usually inherited by
birth or military skill....read more>>>...