Further Reading

Monday 20 November 2017

The Matrix of Time and How to Transcend It

Waking Times: Many people who have already begun to question the very nature of their reality will inevitably come to the persistent yet illusory experience we call time. What is time? How does it work? And why do we experience it in the way that we do?

Some are concerned that we are running out of ‘time’ both individually as well as collectively for our individual and planetary spiritual awakening. Some subscribe to the seemingly obvious notion that time is the enemy and the eventual death of all physical life. The unrelenting march of time traps us all in a downward spiral of entropy, decrepitude and eventual demise. This seems to be the current paradigm Humanity agrees to. And then there are those who simply desire to experience a better time, even for a moment, where chaos, confusion, greed, manipulation and a lack of awareness were not so pervasive.

Somewhere beyond all of this exists what truly is....read more>>>...