Further Reading

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Understanding The Quickening - "How To Escape The Matrix" Part 2

The quickening may well be here, with its accelerated spiritual awakening. But this does not make it any easier to travel the pathway to enlightenment. There are no sudden answers, nobody knows for sure that any of it is real; or if it is the correct direction to travel. It is all based on assumptions, heresay and sheep following other sheep for the majority of the new age pilgrims.

Is this leading them away from danger? Or is it the malevolent force wrapping another deception up in appealing sweet wrappers? How can the individual know for sure?

How do you know what you think and feel is real or just an elaborate mind control? That is what should be being asked by the myriads of 'sheep' who are jumping onto the ever expanding 'spiritual awakening' boat ... do any of them really know where that captain is taking them? Have any of them stopped being sheep, and taken the time to explore just who the captain is? And what the actual destination is?

Does anyone of this myriad of sheep know the true difference between SOUL and SPIRIT? Have they got inherent core beliefs (What they were born with, inherited from the Upper Aeon) or have they adopted their core beliefs from all the other sheep? Adopted beliefs come from within the Lower Aeon and are invariably deceptions wrapped in a sweet wrapper. Do any of the sheep understand the concept that the Upper Aeon Spirit is the true self, whereas the Lower Aeon Soul is part and parcel of a False Self package? 

Most New Age beliefs are invented in the Lower Aeon and are not there to assist in your spiritual awakening.

There is most definitely an accelerated spiritual awakening taking place; and our unseen handlers are hellbent on preventing our maturity, and our re-connection with the upper aeon. Essentially, without giving away too much information to those who are not yet ready for that realisation, the quickening has arrived so we are able to grasp our true natures, link energetically with that true nature, then escape this holographic prison. This can only be achieved by connection with the Upper Aeon Spirit, not the Lower Aeon Soul. In order to attain this link the individual has to possess an Upper Aeon Spirit, there are individuals out there who are only products of the Lower Aeon and therefore have no linkage to the real world.

Our unseen handlers are masters at working up the advanced algorithms that have rewired this carbon copy of the real world; the same algorithms that create the vibrational prison world we exist in, and the constraints that hold is their thralldom. Once we realise our true nature then our perceptions begin to change, and those algorithms no longer affect us ...

Next time round we will discuss how Karma and Reincarnation is a con trick by the unseen prison warders; we do not need to conform to this enforcement. - Copyright Matthew James